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She caught my eye and burst out laughing. Mrs. Mac had her hand clasped firmly over her mouth and on her face was an expression of horror and deathly nausea. Although I am a great lover of antelope steak, I will admit that when accompanied by parfum de chameau, especially when it is a very dead chameau, there are other things more attractive.

Finally she pushed our hands angrily aside and completed the untanglement herself, revealing the scratched and smeared face of Mariana, the dancer. "Cornichon! Chameau! Fond du bain!" she gasped, tears of anger starting from her eyes. She tried to rise before we could help her, but dropped back with a scream. "Oh, the pain!" she cried. "That imbecile! If he has let me break my leg!

Drive along the edge of the precipice, on the slippery height, over a depth of 2000 cubits, full of rocks and boulders. Thou takest thy way back in a zigzag, thou bearest thy bow, thou takest the iron in thy left hand. Thou lettest the old men see, if their eyes are good, how, worn-out with fatigue, thou supportest thyself with thy hand. Il est perdu, le chameau, le Mohar! Eh bien!

Ce livre est la loi qu'a laissée aux siens Mahomet. Il étoit enveloppé d'une étoffe de soie peinte et chargée de lettres morisque, et un chameau le portoit, couvert lui-même également de soie.

En avant du chameau marchoient quatre ménestrels (musiciens) et une grande quantité de tambours et de nacquaires (timbales) qui faisoient ung hault bruit. Devant et autour de lui étoient une trentaine d'hommes dont les uns portoient des arbalètes, les autres des épées nues, d'autres de petits canons (arquebuses) qu'ils tiroient de temps en temps. [Footnote: L'auteur ne dit pas si ces arquebuses étoient

From the bazaars in the maze of covered alleys that stretch down the hill below the Place du Chameau, from the narrow and slippery pavements that wind between the mauve and the pale yellow house fronts, came incessant cries and the long and dull murmur of voices. Bellebelles were singing everywhere in their tiny cages, heedless of their captivity.

"Thérèse! What is the meaning of this?" The man, whom he now saw to be old and grey-haired, turned and looked over his spare shoulder. It was Chalmers. At sight of Roger the Frenchwoman uttered a cry and redoubled her efforts to get away. "Roger, make him let go, the old swine, the beast, le sale chameau! I dismiss him here, now; he must leave my house. I will have him arrested for attacking me.

With no small pleasure did we arrive at the handsome town of Chalons, our patience being nearly exhausted by the tiresome running base with which our Noah's ark accompanied the driver's abuse of his clumsy grey mares. Grand chameau, sacre vache, and canaille, where the most genteel and decent terms with which he favoured them, and his perverseness was in proportion.

Plusieurs de nous vouloient acheter des ânes, parce que le chameau a un branle très-dur qui fatigue extrêmement quand on n'y est pas accoutumé. Un âne

"'I came here on a camel, she told me, in answer to my inquiries. 'On a camel from my home. I understand now why chameau is a word of abuse." "'I am not very sure that the season is good for traveling, I said." "She shrugged her shoulders. 'When one is acclimatized, seasons are no longer important." "'And you are acclimatized, Madame? I asked her." "She showed me the bernouse.