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And seating himself abruptly at M. Petitpas' desk, he wrote: "Monseigneur, I have the honor to bring to your grace's notice the fact that I have recently been made a victim of the intrigues and lies of a certain Abbe Ceinture, who imposed on my kind-heartedness. "Deceived by the representations of this ecclesiastic, I was led "

The train would take me to them, that droll little chemin de fer de ceinture, and it seems a pity to miss the Gare St. Lazare, its Sunday morning tumult of Parisians starting with their mistresses and their wives for a favourite suburb.

Valier; going to see her, eh?" asked the other boatman, with a slight display of curiosity. "Yes, I am going to visit my aunt Dodier; why should I not? She has crocks of gold buried in the house, I can tell you that, Pierre Ceinture!" "Going to get some from La Corriveau, eh? crocks of gold, eh?" said Paul La Crosse. "La Corriveau has medicines, too! get some, eh?" asked Pierre Ceinture.

Il y a dans Bethléem des cordeliers qui ont une église ils font le service divin; mais ils sont dans une grande sujétion des Sarrasins. La ville n'a pour habitans, que des Sarrasins et quelques chrétiens de la ceinture. [Footnote: L'an 235 de l'hégire, 856 de l'ère chrétienne, le calife Motouakkek astreignit les chrétiens et les Juifs

The usual travelling Westerner prefers the shortest and most convenient route to Prague, namely, via Paris. You may get right through from London to Prague in thirty-six hours if you just skirt round Paris by the ceinture, but a right-minded wayfarer, who should never hurry, will not miss an opportunity of taking the tonic of a few days in the "Ville Lumière."

"If I tell La Corriveau what you say of her there will be trouble in your wigwam, Pierre Ceinture!" "Do not do that, Ania!" replied the Indian, crossing himself earnestly; "do not tell La Corriveau, or she will make an image of wax and call it Pierre Ceinture, and she will melt it away before a slow fire, and as it melts my flesh and bones will melt away, too! Do not tell her, Fanchon Dodier!"

Louis consults the Queen on Matters of Policy. Her Prudence. She begins to Purify the Court, and to relax the Rules of Etiquette. The King and she renounce the Gifts of Le Joyeux Avénement, and La Ceinture de la Reine. She procures the Pardon of the Duc de Choiseul. The Comte de Provence intrigues against the Queen. The King gives her the Little Trianon. She lays out an English Garden.

Gensonné, M. Germany, death of Francis, emperor of; and France, feelings in regarding Marie Antoinette's marriage. Gibraltar, siege of. Gifts of Le Joyeuse Avénement and La Ceinture de la Reine renounced. Girondins, rise of the; fall of the. Gluck appointed to teach the harpsichord; visits Paris. Goethe. Goldsmith's prediction of a French revolution. Grains, war of the. Grammont, Countess de.

If in the bright and silken distance he had not seen his Bishop it might have glowed into a cordiality of speech with his distinctive individual stamp on it. But he saw his Bishop, his ceinture tightened on him, and he uttered only the trite saying about the folly of counting on the sensibility of swine.

It is your own affair, not mine. If you prefer to go back to London, do so. Still your own affair. Is there anything else to say?" Nothing. Fanny took up her box this time the doctor did not offer to carry it for her. "Where are you going?" he asked. "What have you decided?" "I can get round by the Chemin de Fer de Ceinture to the Lyons station.