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The eagerness to obtain room was so great, that indecorous and even scandalous scenes took place among the wives of the populace; they quarrelled for chairs and seats with a ferocity, qui les mettoit souvent hors du cercle de la politesse civile et Chretienne."

From the ninth-century Libellus de Ecclesiasticis Disciplinis, art. 100, quoted in Ozanam, La Civilisation Chrétienne chez les Francs , p. 312. The injunction however, really refers to the recently conquered and still half-pagan Saxons. Penitential of Haligart, Bishop of Cambrai, quoted ibid. p. 314.

He married Chrétienne d'Aguirre, the daughter of Michel d'Aguirre, a celebrated jurisconsult of the diocese of Pampeluna, was created Lieutenant-Governor of Burgundy, and died in 1633. Bassompierre, Mém. p. 43. Idem.

The lanterns had burnt out, but we could now distinguish each other. There were about a hundred persons there: sisters of charity, military and civil male hospital attendants, the brothers from the Ecole Chretienne, other priests, and a few ladies who, like myself, had given themselves up heart and soul to the service of the wounded.

He talks of the douce petite race naturellement chretienne, his race fiere et timide, a l'exterieur gauche et embarrassee. But it is evident that this description, however well it may do for the Cymri, will never do for the Gael, never do for the typical Irishman of Donnybrook fair.

Blondel: Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne, June, 1906, p. 241. Experience in its immediacy seems perfectly fluent. The active sense of living which we all enjoy, before reflection shatters our instinctive world for us, is self-luminous and suggests no paradoxes. Its difficulties are disappointments and uncertainties. They are not intellectual contradictions.

Strauss; traduite par M. Littré, Membre de l'Institut. Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie Chrétienne, publiée sous la direction de M. Colani, de 1850

She told me she did not come to the town, "a cause de la foederation" "Vous etes aristocrate donc?" "Ah, mon Dieu non ce n'est pas que je suis aristocrate, ou democrate, mais que je suis Chretienne.*" *"On account of the foederation." "You are an aristocrate then, I suppose?" "Lord, no! It is not because I am an aristocrate, or a democrate, but because I am a Christian."

A book at whose burning we may feel less surprise is the Théologie Portative ou Dictionnaire abrégéde la Religion Chrétienne, by the Abbé Bernier , for a long time attributed to Voltaire, but really the work of an apostate monk, Dulaurent, who took refuge in Holland to write this and similar works.

All was ferment and haze in this little nascent state, as regarded the mental as well as the actual condition, when Calvin arrived there; his name was already almost famous there; he had given proofs of devotion to the cause of the Reformation; his book on the Institution de la Religion chretienne had just appeared; a great instinct for organization was strikingly evinced in it, at the same time that the dedication to Francis I. testified to a serious regard for the principle of authority and for its rights, as well as the part it ought to perform in human communities.