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"Why, Grandpa Campbell, how did you sneak in here so softly? I never heard you at all, you came so catty. Did you hear what we were talking about?" "Not much of it. I arrived just in time to catch your remarks about Mrs. Strong, and as I happen to have a note in my pocket this minute from your Saint John, I spoke right out without thinking. I was intending to make you and grandma jump a little."

Sometimes he didn't get home till after midnight. Sometimes when you went into his room to call him in the morning he wasn't there; but there were the bed-clothes turned down as Catty had left them, with his nightshirt folded on the top. Her mother said: "I hope you're content now you've finished your work." "My work?" her father said. "Yes, yours.

I regard the drawing-room down-stairs as the worst example of late-Victorian abominations in my knowledge, but I shall probably never persuade father to change it because Mason thinks it is sacred to the past. My ambition in life is to be catty to the Newport set after I've married an English diplomat with a divine mustache.

"THAT'S not the way, Captain," shouted out Thomas, still holding on to the rein as the horse began to move. "Thee woan't goo with him, will thee, Catty?" But Mrs. Catherine, though she turned away her head, never let go her hold round the Captain's waist; and he, swearing a dreadful oath at Thomas, struck him across the face and hands with his riding whip.

I got a great character of his honour. I'd sooner come before your honour than any jantleman in all Ireland. I'm sure your honour will stand my frind. Clerk. Silence! Mr. Carv. Misguided people of Ballynavogue and Ballynascraw CARVER pronounces the word "Ballynavogue," CATTY curtsies, and all the ROONIES, behind her, bow, and answer Here, plase your honour.

And he's doing a big canvas of Rosalie down there, too." "At Hurryon Lodge?" "Yes. Miller lets them have the garret for a studio." "I didn't know that," she said slowly. "Didn't you? People are rather catty about it." "Catty?"

Not a word, plase your honour, only just telling herself to be quiet. Oh, mother, dearest, I'll kneel to plase you. Catty. Kneel! oh, to an ould woman like me no standing that! So here, on my hunkers I am, for your sake, Randal, and not a word, good or bad! Can woman do more? Mr. Carv. Now for your defence, Philip: be short, for mercy's sake! Phil.

Catty drew down the blind and went. You heard the click of the latch falling to behind her. The evening had begun. They took up their books. Mamma hid her face behind Anthony Trollope, Mary hers behind Thomas Hardy. Presently she would hear Mamma sigh, then yawn. Horrible tension.

So I told about leaving the message for you, pretending to 've written a great deal more twisting the knife all I knew how, and being thoroughly catty. It must have been a disgusting exhibition," she gave a sigh of despair, as if for that uncontrollable outburst of temper. "I hope you rubbed it in good," I growled.

But in case he'd prove refractory, and would not take my examinations, can't I persecute my shute again the McBrides for the bit of the bog of Ballynascraw, counshillor? Can't I harash 'em at law? O'Bla. You can, ma'am, harash them properly. I've looked over your papers, and I'm happy to tell you, you may go on at law as soon and as long as you plase. Catty.