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"This isn't bad for a haythen counthry," said Felix, as he stretched himself on the lower couch. "We'll git to Calcutty widout breakin' ahl the bones in our bodies." "This is vastly better than anything I expected to find here," replied Louis, as he pushed his crony over against the partition, and lay down at his side.

We was talking this mornin' whether 'no 't would turn, 'cause I thought the spot was overshot, and wouldn't make up on the wrong side; but Roxy she says it's one of them ar Calcutty silks that has two sides to 'em, like the one you bought Miss Pennel, that we made up for her, you know;" and Miss Ruey arose and gave a finishing snap to the Sunday pantaloons, which she had been left to "finish off," which snap said, as plainly as words could say that there was a good job disposed of.

But this India naybob's will was at Calcutty, or some outlandish place; and there was no getting sight of a coppy of it. I will do Mr. Algernon Deuceace the justass to say, that he was so little musnary in his love for Lady Griffin, that he would have married her gladly, even if she had ten thousand pounds less than Miss Matilda.

"A big schnake; a boa, or loike him." "Is it the bore that runs up the river to Calcutty?" "Not the same boa," laughed the captain. "But you speak English, for I have heard you do it; and I have about forgotten my native brogue." "If the boa is a snake, he is the fellow I want to see," replied Felix. "There's one of them now!" exclaimed Captain O'Flaherty, pointing to one wreathed around a bush.

You 'member, Ruey, the Cap'n brought 'em over from Portland when we was to the house a-makin' Mis' Pennel's figured black silk that he brought from Calcutty. You 'member they cost just five and sixpence; but, law! the Cap'n he never grudged the money when 'twas for Naomi. And so she's got all her husband's keepsakes and things just as nice as when he give 'em to her."

Brother Matthias is a grand writer, and he tells all about Injy and the heathen, and how the wessel reached the main place there what's the place, Mary? you're allus good on geography!" "Calcutta," prompted Mary. "Yes, I mind now Calcutty.