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And if we follow this track of reflection we shall, I think, really find why it is that modern sight-seeing jars on something in us, something that is not a caddish contempt for graves nor an equally caddish contempt for cads. For, after all, there is many a churchyard which consists mostly of dead cads; but that does not make it less sacred or less sad.

All this, together with a well made suit of green and yellow checks, and the seesaw accent of the British Empire, answered, when politely addressed, to the name of Cholmondeley Rowden, Esq. "I say," he began, "I'm awfully obliged, you know, and all that; but I'd jolly well like to give some of these cads a jolly good licking, you know."

But how could her dear Dammy be a coward the vilest thing on earth! He who was willing to fight anyone, ride anything, go anywhere, act anyhow. Dammy the boxer, fencer, rider, swimmer. Absurd! Think of the day "the Cads" had tried to steal their boat from them when they were sailing it on the pond at Revelmead. There had been five of them, two big and three medium.

"I don't know nothing, sir, save that I heard you was in a strait; I don't want to know nothing; but I sees them cursed cads a-runnin' of you to earth, and thinks I to myself, 'Come what will, the King will be the ticket for him. So I ran to your room unbeknown, packed a little valise, and got out the passports; then back again to the stables, and saddled him like lightning, and got 'em off nobody knowing but Bill there.

I also hear that they have been hob-nobbing with the English aristocracy, who look upon us Yankees as a 'blasted lot of cads, you know. Shall I bring young Merwyn over to see you after he arrives?" "As you please," she replied, with an indifferent shrug. Strahan had a half-formed scheme in his mind, but when he called upon young Merwyn he was at first inclined to hesitate.

"I believe he left them on purpose, in the hope they'd get wet," said Shaw. "He hates us all like poison, and I believe it's all because his son's at the other school. D'you remember what a row he kicked up when he heard Acton say that the Philistines were cads for shooting at us with catapults?" "Yes," answered Morris; "and if he hates us, he hates Blake a jolly sight worse.

His Lordship was too much diverted to be easily able to speak, but he observed that it depended on what was meant by a cad. 'That's just it! exclaimed Lance. 'I'm sure some that he calls cads are as good fellows as any going. 'And what does your eldest brother say? 'Felix! Oh! he does not mind, as long as one does not get into a real scrape. 'And then?

I suggest a law and order vigilance committee. There's going to be a rooting up of all the cads and sneaks around here, if I have my way. This is a decent school; we've got a grand old fatherly president, and the fellow who can't have fun without meanness has got to leave, that's all." "A box, you say?" observed Frank Jordan one day, as Bob Upton came up calling. "Yes," returned Bob excitedly.

You are smiling, gentlemen I understand your smile; no doubt, many of us since then have turned out pretty cads! But youth ... youth.... 'Oh, talk not to me of a name great in story! The days of our youth are the days of our glory.... commented the same pallid gentleman. 'By Jove, what a memory he's got! and all from Byron! observed the storyteller.

He couldn't understand how people could stand the cads that went about; yet you could go into the Ritz or the Carlton and see the Countess of Daventry and Lady FitzStuart lunching and dining with "bounders like that fellow Clutterbuck." After his marriage Baxendale became absorbed more and more by his wife's family.