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There was a motley company on board S.S. Sumatra; a company whose most obvious elements, the noisy and bibulous pests in the smoking-room and the ladies of mysterious destination with whom they dallied, were dismissed by Geoffrey at once as being terrible bounders.

But I felt very uncomfortable, for I do hate keeping things dark, and when he went on to say that the pea-shooting people must have been unutterable bounders to go away and leave us in the lurch, I was again on the point of telling him that Ward was one of them, only he suddenly began to sing, which gave me time to think, and frightened two children who came round a corner of the road.

"Hope he didn't hurt you. He didn't mean it really;" and I could see that the Earl could hardly contain himself in his rage. Then, suddenly muttering something about "bounders" and "cads," he forced his way through and hurried off, shouting his parting instructions to us to join him as soon as possible at the Hôtel Hautecombe on the hill.

"I wanted to get out of it all to give up! to forget that such a place as London existed. I was sick to death of it! of its conventions, and vile hypocrisies its 'bounders' in art as in everything else! besides, I should have been in the way Maude was tired of me " He broke off, with an abstracted look. "You know all about it, you say?" he went on after a pause "She told you "

There may be others whom thoughtless critics rank as bounders, but he is the only man really deserving of the title. He refuses to appear! He has walked out on the act! He has left me flat! I went into his state-room just now, as arranged, and the man was lying on his bunk, groaning." "I thought you said the sea was like a mill-pond." "It wasn't that! He's perfectly fit.

It was a tricky bit of work, and it seems to have touched up the Padre's nerves a bit, because on the way back next morning, when he was reading prayers you know the bit about 'encompassed the waters with bounds'? he said, 'Encompassed the bounders with warts, which was just what they had done, pretty effectively!"

Much of the sympathy wasted upon women of the ancient profession is grounded upon an error as to their own attitude toward it. An educated woman, hearing that a frail sister in a public stew is expected to be amiable to all sorts of bounders, thinks of how she would shrink from such contacts, and so concludes that the actual prostitute suffers acutely.

"It will take us to a place where we can leave the road and follow a path to the beach," he told them. "Beverly has quite a force of men there looking after things, which fact makes me hope nothing could have happened to injure or destroy that wonderful bomber. But we've been pestered to death with Hun bounders playing spy, and I'd put nothing past them." They set out, and were soon on the way.

I needn't tell you I have given the bounders a wide berth since the day I raised the wind; but I went and had it out with them over this. And half the seven hundred is for default interest, I'll trouble you, from the beginning of January down to date!" "Had you agreed to that?" "Not to my recollection, but there it was as plain as a pikestaff on my promissory note.

There was a certain type of awfully smart stockbroker Lord Rye called them Jews and bounders, but she didn't care whose extravagance, she more than once threw out, had really, if one had any conscience, to be forcibly restrained. It was not perhaps a pure love of beauty: it was a matter of vanity and a sign of business; they wished to crush their rivals, and that was one of their weapons. Mrs.