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"He thinks an alligator might crawl up out of the river and gobble him up," laughed Jerry. "Well, we haven't heard from you yet. Are you getting out the tent?" asked Frank. "I would, only it's such a bother. On the whole, I'm contented with the snug little bunky on board," came the answer, at which Will shrugged his shoulders, as if to say he knew it would be so.

"Ned must be ill, or got a haccident o' some sort," he said to a very little but sharp boy who was to assist in the job. "Howsever, you an' me'll go at it alone, Sniveller." "Wery good, Bunky," replied Sniveller, "'ow is it to be? By the winder, through the door, down the chimbly, up the spout or wot?" "The larder windy, my boy." "Sorry for that," said Sniveller. "Why?"

"I don't kmow nothing about you, but I don't mean you should shoot me in the back. I'm going to tell this to my bunky, an' if I get shot up, the Troop'll know who done it, and you'll hang for it. Now, what are you going to do?" Cahill did not tell what he would do; for, from the other store, the low voice of Mary Cahill called, "Father! Oh, father!"

"I'm tellin' ye no lies. Come back with me and see for yerself. The cap will let ye go down and talk to her. I heard Father Cruse tell ye to keep an eye out for her if she ever came around here agin. Ye got to hurry or they'll have her in the Black Maria on the way to the Tombs. Bunky told me so." Kitty stood in deep meditation.

But Thad was smiling now, as though an idea had flashed into his head that gave him reason for something akin to pleasure. "Well, I don't know; if it comes to the worst, Pard Maurice, you're a dozen times welcome to share my old bunky on the shanty- boat. I'd just love to make another cot like mine, and have you there. Say, wouldn't it be grand?

Promise me that you will go to St. Eustace and get it, Bunky, and give it back. Promise! "Then he broke down, mon ami, and I fear that I cried just a little too. It was sad, for he was a great strong man. "When he could, he looked up and continued: 'Well, Father, I am here to do it. I want your help. May I have it? "I told him I would do what I could.

Maybe, if my hair was yellow an' my eyes blue, he might have felt different; but the way it is, he's always treated me like a kid brother " "And lived with you?" said the other sternly. "Like two men! D'you understand how a woman could be the bunky of a man an' yet be no more to him than than a man would be. You don't? Neither do I, but that's what I've been to Pierre le Rouge. What's that?"

She broke into song, the clear voice flinging back from the mountainside to the cañon that dropped on their right: "My partner's horse is my horse, bunky From his fetlock to the bucking-strap, From his flying hoofs to the saddle-flap My partner's horse is my horse, bunky.

He also thought of thieving cats, and thanked them mentally. He likewise became aware of the near presence of pastry. The smell was delicious, but a sense of duty restrained him. Number 666 smiled to himself to think how well his trap had acted, but the smile was lost in darkness. Meanwhile, the chief operator, Bunky, went round to the back door.

Maybe, if my hair was yellow an' my eyes blue, he might have felt different; but the way it is, he's always treated me like a kid brother " "And lived with you?" said the other sternly. "Like two men! D'you understand how a woman could be the bunky of a man an' yet be no more to him than than a man would be. You don't? Neither do I, but that's what I've been to Pierre le Rouge. What's that?"