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"Well, well," grumbled the father, resignedly, "I suppose if the times are such that we must accept favours of the rebels, we must not resent their insults. But 't is bitter to think of our good land come to such a pass that rogues like this Brereton and Bagby should dare obtrude their suits upon us."

It can't be helped and I hope you'll be able to clear yourself." "I expected nothing else," replied Harborough. "I'm not blaming you nor anybody. Mr. Bent," he continued, turning to where Bent and Brereton stood a little apart. "I'd be obliged to you if you'd do something for me. Go and tell my daughter about this, if you please!

The queer-looking old volume which, because of its black calf binding and brass clasp, might easily have been taken for a prayer-book, lay just where Bent had set it down on his desk when Christopher Pett formally handed it over so far as Brereton knew Bent up to now had never even opened it.

"Gates is too good a politician and too little of a fighter to like forlorn hopes," sneered Brereton. "He leaves Washington to bear the risk, and, Lee being out of the way, sets off at once to make favour with Congress, hoping, I have little doubt, that another discomfiture or miscarriage will serve to put him in the saddle.

Those who watched them closely as Brereton and Tallington did noticed that neither took any notice of the other. Cotherstone had been placed in the dock first.

Meredith said: "I think, my child, thou hast acted for the best, and we will hope thy father will think so." "Oh, mommy, dost think he'll consent?" "I fear not, but that must be as God wills it. Go down now, for Colonel Brereton says he must ride away, and only tarries for a word with thee." Janice gave one glance at the mirror, and put her hands to her hair, with a look of concern.

They arrived a six hours ago, and have been waiting to see the general." "You may be bound they are old and plain," prophesied Brereton, "or Gibbs would be squiring them, 'stead of wasting time on us." "There you 're cast," rejoined the major, "I caught but a glimpse, yet 't was enough to prove to me that all astronomers lie." "How so?"

Lieutenant Brereton of the Kent and Captain Eyre Coote from the land force were sent to arrange the surrender, and a little later the articles of capitulation were signed by Admirals Watson and Pocock, and by Clive. Desmond was by no means satisfied with the part he played in the fight.

Her arms, bare to the elbow, and her hands were as gaunt as her face, but Brereton was quick to recognize the suggestion of physical strength in the muscles and sinews under the parchment-like skin.

The officer started to argue; but as he did so the gallop of a horse's feet was heard, and Colonel Laurens came dashing up. Throwing himself from the saddle, he flung into the tavern; and that he brought important news was so evident that Brereton hurriedly left Mr. Meredith and followed.