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"Saw that little scoop, too, about Tisdale. He's the closest oyster on record." "The trouble was," said Jimmie wisely, "he started that Indian story and nobody thought to interrupt with more coal questions." "You mean he told that yarn purposely to head us off?" "That's the way it seemed to me afterwards. He spun it out, you know; it lasted to Bremerton, where I got off.

I've come here this evening as your friend, without authority from anybody," he added significantly, "to see if this thing couldn't somehow be adjusted peaceably, for your sake as well as others'. Come, you must admit there's a grain of justice in the contention against you. When I went on to Bremerton to get you I had no real reason for supposing that these views would develop.

Gaddesden will be waiting lunch. 'If I know Alice, she will not wait lunch! And anyway there are things more important than lunch. May I take it for granted, Miss Bremerton, that you have not been altogether dissatisfied with your life here during this six months? Elizabeth looked him gravely in the face. It was clear there was to be no escape. 'How could I have been, Mr. Mannering?

Arthur C. Woodward, formerly interscholastic athletic organizer in Washington, was placed in charge of the Puget Sound Station in Bremerton; and Elmer C. Henderson, athletic director in Seattle high schools, was appointed to the Seattle Station.

As Elizabeth came in, Pamela was reading aloud a telegram just received, and Miss Bremerton was greeted with the news 'Desmond's coming to-night, instead of to-morrow! They've given him forty-eight hours' leave, and he goes to France on Thursday. 'That's very short! said Elizabeth, as she took her place beside Pamela, who was making tea. 'Does your father know?

Ahead, off Bremerton Navy Yard, some anchored cruisers rose in black silhouette against a brilliant sea. "And," said Marcia Feversham, "of course you went to the camp in a body and released the prisoners." "Yes, we used the mail steamer's boats, and she waited for us until the inquest was over, then brought us on to Seattle. The motor-boat took the doctor and superintendent home."

'Has she been here long, Forest? 'Fifteen years. 'And you? 'Twenty-two, Miss. 'Well, Forest, Miss Bremerton approached him confidingly, 'don't you think that you, and Cook, and I you know Mr. Mannering wishes me to do the housekeeping well, that between us we could do something? Forest considered it. 'I don't see why not, Miss, he said at last, with caution.

She was, therefore, later in the day not greatly surprised to find herself supplying her brother with arguments. Much as they admired and loved Mr. Hodder, they had always realized that he could not remain buried in Bremerton. His talents demanded a wider field. "Talents!" exclaimed Langmaid, "I didn't know he had any."

And yet he was rated one of the rich men of the city, and his name Hodder had read on many boards with Mr. Parr's! A person more versed in the modern world of affairs than the late rector of Bremerton would not have been so long in arriving at the answer to this riddle. Hodder was astute, he saw into people more than they suspected, but he was not sophisticated.

He had loved the people, and they him, and the pang of homesickness he now experienced was the intensest sorrow he had known since he had been among them. Gerald Whitely's thousand operatives had never struck; the New York newspapers, the magazines that discussed with vivid animus the corporation-political problems in other states, had found Bremerton interested, but unmoved; and Mrs.