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"I hope they'll take the hint," she muttered, and turned back toward the camp, knowing that the sound of her shot would cause anxiety. "What were you shooting at?" cried Hippy, who had started to run toward the sound. "At a mark," replied Grace truthfully. "Oh, all right. Breakfast's ready." Grace went to the stream that flowed from the foot of the waterfall near by.

He would not take anything, just at present, he said, and got his long length up from the root of a tree where he had folded it down. "I don't seem to care much for anything in the middle of the day; breakfast's my best meal," and he followed Jeff off into the woods. "Really," said the lady, "what did they expect?"

They glanced up from their plates, and down; along to Dean Drake eating his hearty porridge, and back at one another, and at the hungry, well-occupied strangers. "Say, we don't want trouble," they began to the strangers. "Course you don't. Breakfast's what you're after." "Oh, well, you'd have got gay. A man gets gay." "Sure." "Mr.

"I'm off in a few minutes breakfast's ready. Wally's going into Cunjee with a telegram to Melbourne for the black trackers, as hard as he can ride." "Jim there's something you know!" He hesitated. "I'd better tell you," he said. "Monarch's come home alone, Norah!" The creek went down with a broken song, 'Neath the she oaks high; The waters carried the song along, And the oaks a sigh.

"Why, what would you do," said I, "if you did know?" "Lick him, by George! Lick him, in the first place, till he was as nigh dead as I daared lick him and then I'd make him eat up every darned line of it! But come, come breakfast's ready; and while we're getting through with it, Timothy and Jem Lyn will fix the pig-box, and make the deer all right and tight for traveling!"

A b'y that can give reasons can look after 'em wonderful, so he can, if he don't get so full of his reasons that he forgets the little b'ys entoirely. But Andy'll not be doin' that. I niver told you before, but your father's favorite brother was named Andy, and a great wan he was for reasons, as I've heard. "Now breakfast's ready, so 'tis. I took my toime to it, for permotions always takes toime.

Some way or other he'll slip off, and some fine day you'll see the old scout come walking in and asking us if breakfast's ready." "It sounds good," said Bart unconvinced, "but I'm afraid it's a dream." "All guess work," chimed in Billy. "We don't know anything." "No," admitted Frank, "but we know Tom."

I lifted my head to listen intently; and presently heard it again, a voice rich and full and smooth as note of blackbird, calling upon my name: "Perry green! Breakfast's ready ham an' eggs! Perry green!" Snatching soap and towel I rose, my gloomy thoughts forgotten again, and hasted whither this voice summoned me.

He would not take anything, just at present, he said, and got his long length up from the root of a tree where he had folded it down. "I don't seem to care much for anything in the middle of the day; breakfast's my best meal," and he followed Jeff off into the woods. "Really," said the lady, "what did they expect?"

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself, rushing off directly breakfast's over and leaving your poor unhappy encumbrances of brothers to amuse themselves as best they can during the long hours of a Saturday morning. Here are Ned and I, who only get a peep of home once a week, and even on that occasion we seldom get half a peep of you. Confess now, isn't it too bad?"