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"My attentions to Miss Keene were simply those of an ordinary acquaintance, and were never as strongly marked as yours to Mrs. Brimmer." "Who has deserted ME as Miss Keene did YOU," rejoined Crosby. Brace's quick color had risen again, and he would have made some sharp retort, but the jingling of spurs caught his ear. They both turned quickly, and saw Banks approaching.

There was the dull half-musical sound of a bowstring, and to Brace's horror one of their flying men made a spasmodic jump into the air and came down upon hands and knees, his nearest messmates passing on some twenty yards before they could check their speed; and then, in the midst of the thrill of excitement which ran through the occupants of the boats, the retreating party paused, and dashed back to help their fallen mate.

Her right foot went out easily and softly she marvelled at that independent motion of her leg and, taking up the falling weight of her body, restored her balance. Mrs. Brace's voice had not faltered, although she must have seen the misstep. Arthur Sloane's bowed shoulders had not stirred. Mrs. Brace continued the printed enumeration of her stores of knowledge. Lucille took another step.

Brace's description of Russell, a real estate salesman who had been attentive to her daughter," continued Crown, "tallied with Barton's description of the man who had been on his car. I got his address from her. But say! She don't fall for the idea that Russell's guilty! She gave me to understand, in that snaky, frozen way of hers, that I was a fool for thinking so.

"Splendid!" cried Lynton. "I should just like a mile of this to rig up my house and retire from business. I say, what's he looking for?" This was to draw Brace's attention to Briscoe, who had gone forward to descend to a little sandy nook by the water-side, where he was raking about with a stick. "Looking for something, I suppose to see if he can find precious stones among the pebbles perhaps.

"You must go away at once." Brace's voice was sharp with anxiety. "I wish you could come West," he added wistfully. "I'd love it, but it is out of the question; it's too far too expensive." Bruce's black eyebrows came together. His poverty had never seemed so galling, so humiliating. "I must go." She got up quickly. "I'm late. Do my eyes look very badly?" "They're all right."

Moreover, he was bound and determined that he himself should be named as trustee when the fortune came over at Lord Brace's death. That part of it turned out precisely as he had calculated. Let me go on a few months in advance of my story. Lord Brace died, and the will was properly probated and the provisions carried out.

Mildred Brace's lips had a softness of line, a vividness of colouring that indicated emotional depths utterly foreign to her mother. They bore themselves now as if they commented on a decision already reached, a momentous step to which they had given immense consideration. "I didn't mail it," Mrs.

Another hour passed before Sir Humphrey and his brother went below, and then their first act was to thrust cartridges into their guns and rifles, and to lay them with their ammunition-belts ready to hand; but even after that precaution sleep was slow in coming to Brace's pillow, for he lay listening to the rush, gurgle, and splash of the river till the strange sounds grew confused and died out, all but a peculiar rustling that seemed to be made by a huge serpent creeping among the branches of the trees: and this puzzled the listener, for it was impossible that trees and a huge reptile could be out in the middle of the great muddy river.

"Of course," said Wynn hastily; "only it's a pity Nellie ain't here to give you her smelling-salts. She ought to be back now," he added, no longer mindful of Brace's presence; "the coach is over-due now, though I reckon the heat made Yuba Bill take it easy at the up grade." "If you mean the coach from Indian Spring," said Brace quietly, "it's in already; but Miss Nellie didn't come on it."