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The shopman accordingly escorted her to the office at the back of the shop, and the young lady book-keeper after referring to former entries to make quite certain of the amount, paid her the sum that Hunter had represented as her wages, the same amount that Miss Wade had on the previous occasions given him to pay the charwoman.

He was born in the town of Adams, June 23d, 1817, received a good academical education, and when seventeen left the academy to become clerk with Judge Foster, under whose auspices he came to Cleveland. After serving with Judge Foster one year in Cleveland, he accepted the position of book-keeper in the forwarding house of Pease & Allen, on the river, remaining in this position until 1843.

"A cad," said Pettit. "They give it to you, and you sell it love, you know. I'd rather sell ploughs for father." "But," I protested, "you are reversing the decision of the world's greatest " "Good-by, Old Hoss," said Pettit. "Critics," I continued. "But say if the Major can use a fairly good salesman and book-keeper down there in the store, let me know, will you?"

"French gens d'armes," muttered the book-keeper, turning pale, and he advanced a few steps toward the door of the sitting-room. One of the gens d'armes kept him back. "Both of you will stay here," he said, imperiously, "we are going to enter that room. Utter the faintest sound, the slightest warning, and we shall arrest both of you. Be silent, therefore, and let us do our duty."

She saw that the beginning of the end had come as she looked at him staring at the ledger, yet exactly why she could not tell. She knew that he had been making a fight since he had been book-keeper, and that now he felt that he had lost. She guessed also that he had heard what O'Fallen said to her, and what she had replied. "You ought not to have offended him," she tried to say severely.

On one occasion I went into the bank to settle an account of long standing, and at the request of the cashier, my friend, the book-keeper, made out the account and added it up in his usual quick way. The cashier, being desirous of preventing any possible mistake, said, "Mr. B , will you please add that up again and see that your figures are correct." The book-keeper was insulted.

Clifford, I want to turn over a new leaf in my life, but everyone does not know that. Do you know of any situation I can get? I have been a book-keeper and a salesman in the town of C., where I once lived, but I am willing to begin almost anywhere on the ladder of life, and make it a stepping-stone to something better."

Rockwell can see in the young rascal passes my comprehension." He called sharply to Dick, and ordered him to go to the post-office for letters. "All right," said Dick. "And mind you don't loiter by the way," said the book-keeper, sharply. "You were gone long enough at the bank this morning. Did you come right back?" "No," said Dick. "Why didn't you?" "There was somewhere else I wanted to go."

Arthur received a very good business education, and when he reached the age of twenty-one, obtained the situation of book-keeper in an extensive mercantile house in the city of Boston.

Finally, we were impressed with the genius of a Chinese book-keeper; he figured up his accounts on a machine like a gridiron with buttons strung on its bars; the different rows represented units, tens, hundreds and thousands. He fingered them with incredible rapidity in fact, he pushed them from place to place as fast as a musical professor's fingers travel over the keys of a piano.