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I could see that twice or thrice he looked back as if to ascertain if I were still watching him, or perhaps to assure himself that I was not following at a distance. The obscurity of the night favoured his disappearance, and his figure was soon beyond my sight. I remained standing on the spot where he had left me, unwilling to depart, and yet unknowing why I should loiter there.

'I didn't want to. He had a well-balanced head, and could take on a sudden distant bearing. 'Didn't want to didn't cotton on, like. Well they be artful, the women he mimicked his landlord. 'Come on into bed, boy. Don't loiter about as if you'd lost something. Albert turned over, to sleep. On Monday Miss Stokes turned up as usual, striding beside her team.

Mungo was appointed steward, for I had taken a great fancy to him; and my friend Talbot having brought all his things on board, and the admiral having given my final orders, I sailed from Simon's Bay to England. There is usually but little of incident in a run home of this sort. I was not directed to stop at St. Helena, and had no inclination to loiter on my way.

He set out to meet her far too early in the day, and when he had covered the couple of miles that lay between the inn on the hill and the railway-station at the foot, he was obliged to loiter about the sleepy little town for over an hour.

His vivacity and abundance never leave him to loiter or pound on an incident. "In his immense quotation and allusion we quickly cease to discriminate between what he quotes and what he invents. 'Tis all Plutarch, by right of eminent domain, and all property vests in this emperor.

The vehicles wait, and the tourists loiter for a while with their eyes raised to the admirable equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, in antique bronze, which occupies the centre of the piazza.

"Take this to the Western Gate and ask for the lodging of a Captain called Ellerey. He has a servant named Stefan give him the paper." "He shall have it." "There is double payment, then. Run, I shall know if your errand is quickly done, and woe-betide you if you loiter."

I longed to wander over the scenes of renowned achievement to tread, as it were, in the footsteps of antiquity to loiter about the ruined castle to meditate on the falling tower to escape, in short, from the commonplace realities of the present, and lose myself among the shadowy grandeurs of the past. I had, besides all this, an earnest desire to see the great men of the earth.

"How is this?" said I; "I thought you and Perico were both fatigued, and wished to rest here for the night; you have soon recovered from your weariness." "I have thought over the matter," said the fellow, "and my master will be angry if I loiter here: pay us, therefore, and let us go." "Certainly," said I, "if you wish it. Is the horse furniture all right?"

Poverty, repining and hopeless poverty a canker on the mind before unknown to them corrodes their spirits and blights every free and noble qualities of their nature. They loiter like vagrants about the settlements among spacious dwellings, replete with elaborate comforts, which only renders them more sensible of the comparative wretchedness of their own condition.