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"Gentlemen, did I not tell you we should be sure to find him AT HIS POST?" The gallant old nobleman rode on: and this was the famous BATTLE OF FURRUCKABAD, or SURPRISE OF FUTTYGHUR, fought on the 17th of November, 1804. About a month afterwards, the following announcement appeared in the Boggleywollah Hurkaru and other Indian papers: "Married, on the 25th of December, at Futtyghur, by the Rev.

Mulligatawny, B.C.S., Deputy-Assistant Vice Sub-Controller of the Boggleywollah Indigo grounds, Ramgolly branch. Macgillicuddy should have stuck to sword's-play, and he might have come off in his second duel as well as in his first; as it was, the civilian placed a ball and a part of Mac's gold repeater in his stomach.

Mulligatawny, B.C.S., Deputy- Assistant Vice Sub-Controller of the Boggleywollah Indigo grounds, Ramgolly branch. Macgillicuddy should have stuck to sword's play, and he might have come off in his second duel as well as in his first; as it was, the civilian placed a ball and a part of Mac's gold repeater in his stomach.

"Gentlemen, did I not tell you we should be sure to find him AT HIS POST?" The gallant old nobleman rode on: and this was the famous BATTLE OF FURRUCKABAD, OR SURPRISE OF FUTTYGHUR, fought on the 17th of November, 1804. About a month afterwards, the following announcement appeared in the Boggleywollah Hurkaru and other Indian papers: "Married, on the 25th of December, at Futtyghur, by the Rev. Dr.