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"You'll do," said Mr Blockley, laughing again as he went away to attend to his duties, in seeing the chain cables got up from below, and ranged along the lower deck in preparation for our anchoring anon. "Let alone an Irishman for having the last word!"

One of the noblest old ledge-stone mansions of the vicinity is The Woodlands, located on high ground along the bank of the Schuylkill River in Blockley Township, West Philadelphia. It was formerly the countryseat of the Hamilton family, from which a district of West Philadelphia east of Fortieth Street and south of Market Street took the name of Hamilton Village.

My men and teams were generally off to the hills, Blockley, Broadway, Winchcombe, Farmcote, and suchlike out-of-the-way places, when the wet "rides" in the woods were drying up.

This was proof to Mr Blockley of the affection that existed between the two; so, without further demur, he made over all right and title he might possess in Jocko to Mick. "But, you're sure, my lad, you'll take good care of him," he said. "I wouldn't like any harm to come to the poor little beggar.

"An' is it whither Oi'll take care ov him ye're afther axin' me?" said my chum, taking hold of Jocko as he spoke. "Begorrah, ye jist coom to me arrums, ye little baiste, and show Misther Blockley how fond yez are ov me, ye divvle!"

The boatswain noticed this; and one day in the early part of April, as we were coming up Channel on our return from our cruise and nearing Spithead, being just abreast of the projecting headland of Dunose on the south side of the Isle of Wight, Mr Blockley comes up to Mick as he and I and Jocko were standing on the forecastle.

Few philanthropists have left their money so wisely or with such thoughtful provisions to meet changing conditions. Erected in 1801 by Thomas Armat; Solitude, Blockley Township, Fairmount Park.

There is a record of a man by the name of Bulkley who was found, by a police officer in Philadelphia, staggering along the streets, and was taken to the inebriate ward of the Blockley Hospital, where he subsequently sank and died, after having been transferred from ward to ward, his symptoms appearing inexplicable.

"Yis, sor, she's the sisther, sure, ov me fri'nd Tom Bowlin' here, sor," he said, pointing me out by a punch in the ribs that nearly knocked all the breath out of me. "An', sure, she's moighty fond ov burrds!" Mr Blockley laughed. "From that, I suppose, Paddy," he said, as soon as he could speak, "you put Jocko here in the same boat as the birds?"

Mick looked `nine ways for Sunday, to use his own favourite expression. "Bedad, sor," he at length replied sheepishly, "it's Jenny, sor." "But," persisted Mr Blockley, smelling a rat, "who's Jenny?" "Tom's sisther, sure." "O-o-oh!" Not being certain exactly as to the meaning of Mr Blockley's ejaculation, Mick went on to explain further.