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Biggles, he gurgles something indignant and turns purple in the gills, but he ends by snatchin' away the derby and marchin' stiff to the door. "Understand," says he, with his hand on the knob, "I do not accept your impertinence as a reply. I I shall see Marion again." "Sure you will," says I. "She'll be around to get your dinner order early next week."

It meant an immediate profit of 25 per cent. Like a fool, I was persuaded as you will see when I go into details, the thing looked horribly tempting. I put it all every penny that lay at our bank in the name of Sherwood Bros. And now I learn that the house I trusted has smashed. It's in the papers this evening Biggles, Thorpe and Biggles you'll see it. I dare not ask you to forgive me.

Outside of the old Gray house we finds a limousine, with the driver dozin' inside. "It's the Biggles car!" whispers Vee. "Oh, what if he should be Come, Torchy! Quick!" "You wouldn't break in on a fond clinch, would you?" I asks. "If it came to that, certainly," says Vee, pushin' the front-door button determined. I expect she would have, too. But Biggles hadn't got that far not quite.

When the clock on his mantelpiece struck eleven, he happened to notice it, and was surprised to find how quickly time had passed. By the bye, he had never thought of looking at his newspaper, though Sherwood referred him to that source of information on the subject of Biggles, Thorpe and Biggles. Yes, here it was.

And since she's been left alone he'd been callin' reg'lar once a week, urging her to be his tootsy-wootsy No. 3. He was the main wheeze in some third-rate life insurance concern, I believe, and fairly well off, and he owned a classy place over near the Country Club. But he had a 44 belt, a chin like a pelican, and he was so short of breath that everybody called him "Puffy" Biggles.

'Tiddling Brothers have sent me a goose, Biggles, he said to me as I helped him on with his great-coat. 'Very kind of 'em, but I don't want it myself; you can have it! "Of course I thanked him, and was very grateful. He wished me a merry Christmas and went out. I tied the thing up in brown paper, and took it under my arm. It was a fine bird, but heavy.

We should have started brilliantly at Bristol several thousands for advertisement, beyond our estimate. I don't think the Biggles people were dishonest " "You don't think so!" interrupted Will, contemptuously. "If there's any doubt we know on which side it weighs. Just tell me the facts. What was the security?"

"Bah!" says Biggles, bangin' the door behind him. But, say, inside of five minutes he'd been wiped off the slate, and them two girls was plannin' their hot-food campaign as busy and excited as if it was Marion's church weddin' they were doping out. It's after midnight before they breaks away, too. You know Vee, though. She ain't one to start things and then quit. She's a stayer.

"What, 'Puffy' Biggles!" says I. "Not that old prune face with the shiny dome and the baggy eyes?" Vee says he's the one. He's been hoverin' 'round, like an old buzzard, for three or four years now, playin' chess with the old man while he lasted, but always with his pop-eyes fixed on Marion.

I'm sure, though, that they thought a good deal of each other. Poor thing! She was crazy to go across as a canteen worker. And now she doesn't know what to do. Of course, there's always Biggles. If we could only save her from that!" At which remark I grows skittish. I didn't like the way she was gazin' at me. "Ah, come, Vee!" says I. "Lay off that rescue stuff.