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As though to answer her question, Rhody rolled his pop-eyes toward Wheedles. Of the happy Sunday and happier Christmas day space is too limited to tell. At five P. M. Durand, Ralph, Jean Paul, Bert, Gordon and Doug were obliged to bid their hostesses adieu and return to Annapolis, but each day of Christmas week held its afternoon informal dance at the auditorium, to which Mrs.

It beareth a little to the west of north here." "It was the Spanish captain camping here as I passed down," he answered, speaking abominably through his nose. "They called him Castellane, a little fellow, with pop-eyes, who pretended to light his pipe from my hair. He pointed it out upon a map some black-frocked papist had drawn.

"What, 'Puffy' Biggles!" says I. "Not that old prune face with the shiny dome and the baggy eyes?" Vee says he's the one. He's been hoverin' 'round, like an old buzzard, for three or four years now, playin' chess with the old man while he lasted, but always with his pop-eyes fixed on Marion.

A frown crossed his forehead above his pop-eyes, and he exclaimed with swift anger, in a croaking voice, "And what I do to the little dog, I can do as easily to the whole population of your loathsome Earth!" I looked up at him where he stood with the table between us, and at length found my tongue. "And of course you will do it, you swine!" I burst out.

He turned away, and looking along the road that wound through the woods, he saw old Gideon coming. Quickly he hastened to the road-side and stood behind a tree, with a knife in his hand. Gid came slowly along. And just as he came abreast of the tree, his pop-eyes saw the fellow.

Blest ef he ain't hired a whole row o' little niggers to stand out in front of 'is sto'e an' hold horses while he takes his customers inside to fleece 'em. "Come here, Pop-Eyes, you third feller, an' ketch aholt o' Jinny's bridle. I always did like pop-eyed niggers. They look so God-forsaken an' ugly.

He knew that it was all over between them. Considerably shaken, he went over and sat down on a trunk near the wall. Suddenly he sprang to his feet with a curious half-laugh, half- sob. He glared at the flap through which she had disappeared. A cunning, malevolent expression came into his pop-eyes. "Sell out, will you?" he muttered. "I'll block that game. I'll sell out to him myself.

The General tapped a knuckle on the table, and the reader waited. Waymouth turned his gaze full upon the Senator when he spoke. "Gentlemen, understand me aright at the start. I'm not here to try to dictate. That would be presumptuous in me, for I am not yet your candidate. To-morrow is not here." Wasgatt's pop-eyes protruded still more.

Rainey caught sight of a ghastly face, a mouth that shouted vainly for help in the pandemonium, and was instantly stoppered with strangling brine, pop-eyes appealing in awful fright as Sandy was washed away in the cascade.

Ramon stood smiling while his host turned over one blanket after another. As he displayed each one he turned his bright pop-eyes on Ramon with an eager enquiring look. At last when he had seen them all, Ramon permitted himself to pick up and examine the one he considered the best with a restrained murmur of admiration. “You like it!” exclaimed Alfego with delight. “It is yours!”