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"But what makes their hair so long?" Florence asked. "I never saw cats with hair a couple inches long like that." "Miss Julia say they Berjum cats." "What?" "I ain't tellin' no mo'n she tole me. You' aunt say they Berjum cats." "Persian," said Herbert. "That's nothing. I've seen plenty Persian cats. My goodness, I should think you'd seen a Persian cat at yow age. Thirteen goin' on fourteen!"

An' all time, Miz Johnson, I give you my word, I stannin' there holdin' nat basket, carryin' on up hill an' down dale how them the same two Berjum cats Mista Sammerses sen' her: an' trouble enough dess ten'in' to that basket, lemme say to you, Miz Johnson, as anybody kin tell you whutever tried to take care o' two cats whut ain't yoosta each other in the same basket.

Mista Sammerses, he give her them two Berjum cats, an' ole Mister Ridgways whut los' his wife, he give you' Aunt Julia them two canaries that tuck an' hopped out the cage an' then out the window, las' week, one day, when you' grampaw was alone in the room with 'em; an' Mista George Plummers, he give her that Airydale dog you' grampaw tuck an' give to the milkman; an' Mista Ushers, he give her them two pups whut you' grampaw tuck an' skeer off the place soon as he laid eyes on 'em, an' thishere Mista Clairidge, he give her that ole live allagatuh from Florida whut I foun' lookin' at me over the aidge o' my kitchen sink ugly ole thing! an' you' grampaw tuck an' give it to the greenhouse man.

An' every blessed minute I stannin' there, can't I hear that ole Miz Blatch nex' do', out in her back yod an' her front yod, an' plum out in the street, hollerin': 'Kitty? Kitty? Kitty? 'Yes! Miss Julia say, she say, 'Fine sto'y! she say. 'Them two cats you claim my Berjum cats, they got short hair, an' they ain't the same age an' they ain't even nowheres near the same size, she say.

She done tole me, 'No, she say. She say, she say Berjum cats ain't wash they self; they got to take an' git somebody else to wash 'em!" "If we're goin' to bathe 'em," said Florence, "we ought to know their names, so's we can tell 'em to hold still and everything. You can't do much with an animal unless you know their name. Did Aunt Julia tell you these cats' names, Kitty Silver?"

'One of 'em's as fat as bofe them Berjum cats, she say: 'an' it's on'y got one eye, she say. 'Well, Miss Julia, ma'am, I say 'one thing; they come out white, all 'cept dess around that there skinnier one's eye, I say: 'dess the same you tell me they goin' to, I say. 'You right about that much, ma'am! I say." "Oh, me!" Mrs. Johnson moaned, worn with applausive laughter.