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This was the second attempt on the King's life, the first having been that of Bergeron, in November of '33. Carrel was arrested as an accomplice, it was pretended, for every one of these attempts has been attributed to the whole body of the Republicans, while they were utterly ignorant of them until they took place, and then bitterly denounced them.

There's a metre of it left; it's one franc twenty, monsieur." "And where does Noemi Bergeron live?" I asked, as she dropped the money into her till. "Well, she used to lodge at number ten in this street, with Maman Paquet. Maybe she's gone. I've not seen either her or her dog this fortnight." "A poodle dog," cried I eagerly, "with his coat unclipped, a rough brown dog?" "Yes, exactly.

I leapt from my chair, pointed to Pepin, who lay dozing in a corner of the room, and exclaimed, "I will wager anything that the name of your Alsatian is Noemi Bergeron, and that my dog there is Antoine himself!" And before any questions could be put I proceeded to recount the circumstances with which my reader is already acquainted.

This latter labour, however, he seems to have taken entirely upon trust from Muller, a German editor and translator, probably through the intermediation of Bergeron, an early French editor of voyages and travels.

Marie Antoinette stood within the door, Bergeron and Girard at the foot of the bed, and the cure spoke very clearly and firmly. Vaillantcoeur rolled on his pillow and turned his face away. Then he sat up in bed, grunting a little with the pain in his shoulder, which was badly set. His black eyes snapped like the eyes of a wolverine in a corner. "Forgive?" he said, "no, never. He is a coward.

The ring that not even death should take from her finger, she dropped it! But that is a bad sign, the worst of all, a countersign of " "Will you go? Old babbler," cried Toinette, springing up in anger, "I tell you to go to the store. I am mistress in this house." Tante Bergeron clumped sullenly away, muttering, "A mistress without a wedding-ring! Oh, l

Bergeron a publié l'histoire d'Hayton. Mais, au lieu donner le texte Français original, au ou moins la version Latine de l'éditeur, il n'a donné qu'une version Française de ce Latin: de sorte que nous n'avons ainsi qu'une traduction de traduction.

Each of these kingdoms is said to have had its peculiar language. The editions consulted are chiefly the Italian of Ramusio, 1583, Latin of Muller, 1671, and French of Bergeron, 1735, varying much from each other in the orthography of proper names. Odoricus, a friar, who commenced his travels in 1318 and died at Padua in 1331, had visited many parts of the East.

Consult Bergeron, Histoire de la première dêcouverte et conquéte des îles Canaries; Pascal d'Avezac, Notice des dêcouvertes ... dans l'ocêan Atlantique, etc., Paris, 1845; Viera y Clavigo, Historia gênêral de las islas de Canaria, 1773; also the works of Major, Barker-Webb, Sabin Berthelot, and Bory de St.

"Monsieur," she said, "a strange thing has happened which makes me so uneasy that I cannot help coming to tell you of it, and to ask your opinion and advice. Antoine came about half-an-hour ago and took Noemi out for a walk. Not ten minutes after they had left the house, a lady whom I do not know came to my door and asked if Mademoiselle Bergeron lived there. I said yes, but that she was out.