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"Don't try to go to your room; just undress and cuddle down in my bed with me to-night; I've brought in your night-dress." Toinette did not answer, but, walking over to Miss Preston, just rested her cheek against hers for a moment. Twenty minutes later she was fast asleep in her good friend's bed.

I've a brilliant idea," said Toinette. "Who's got a long hairpin? Good! that's fine. Now prepare for something delectable," and, straightening out the pin, she stuck a marsh mallow on it and held the white lump of lusciousness over the one candle until it was toasted a golden if rather smoky brown. Tap, tap, tap. "It's the others. Quick! let them in, for it's half-past ten already."

Narkom on the arm and then ran over to the van into which the prisoner was stepping, his guardians of the law upon either side of him, his face white, his shoulders bowed. 'Toinette stood a few steps distant, the tears chasing themselves down her face and the sobs drowning her broken words of comfort to him.

I was struck all of a heap the truth flasht on my mind's hi. "Toinette," says I, for that was the gal's name "Toinette," says I, giving her a kiss, "keep them for two minits, as you valyou my affeckshn;" and then I gave her another kiss, and ran up stares to our chambers.

Then, crying, "Glory be!" he beat a hasty retreat intending to place it upon his serving table, but growing bewildered in his joy, inadvertently set it upon a large claw-foot sofa which stood at the end of the dining-room, where Toinette, ever upon the alert, and not banished from the dining-room as poor Tzaritza had been, promptly pounced upon the contents, and in the confusion of the ensuing ten minutes laid the foundation for her early demise from apoplexy.

I was deeply conscious that I blushed at her words and manner; but with it there arose an instant query in my mind: could this be the fair Toinette whom De Croix sought so ardently? I greatly feared it; yet I resolved I would not mention his name to her. "It has a decided French sound," I stammered. She laughed at my tone, with a quick shrug of her shoulders. "And pray, why not, Monsieur?

Yet such was undoubtedly the fact, and it would have been a very wrong-headed girl, indeed, who was not ready to yield to her influence. "If I felt criss-cross with all the world, I believe I'd have to smile back when Miss Howard smiled at me," said Toinette, shortly after she became a pupil in the school.

One day then it happened that Alexandre upon calling at Norine's there encountered Alfred, who came at times to try to extract a half-franc from old Moineaud, his father. The two young bandits went off together, chatted, and met again. And from that chance encounter there sprang a band. Alexandre was living with Richard, and Alfred brought Toinette to them.

"Nary one, as I know of," answered the irrepressible Ruth. "Wish we had." "Let's start one," said Toinette. "We had two or three at Miss Carter's; they had to be secret or none at all, and it was no end of fun. Papa wrote me that he was going to send me a box of good things before long, and when it comes let's meet that night and have a feast.

"Well, of course, I didn't think you would mind simply because I wrote to papa, but because I posted the letter without first letting you read it," answered Toinette. Now, indeed, was Miss Preston learning something new, and not even a child could have questioned that her surprise was genuine when she exclaimed: "Read your letters, my dear little girl!