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* So novices sitting at a conjuror see him take a wedding-ring, and put it in a little box before a lady; then cross the theatre with another little box, and put that before another lady: "Hey! presto! pass!" in box 2 is discovered a wedding-ring, which is instantly assumed to be the ring: on this the green minds are fixed, and with this is sham business done: Box 1, containing the real ring all the time, is overlooked: and the confederate, in livery or not, does what he likes with it; imprisons it in an orange for the good of its health.

The man will have to walk over my body riddled with wounds and bleeding from every pore, ere he can put the wedding-ring on your finger; with my last breath, too, I will dishonour you by proclaiming that you are my mistress, and thus cloud the joy of any man who may triumph over me; and if I can stab you as I die, I will, so that in the tomb, at least, you may be my wife.

"He lied!" "I can show you her wedding-ring I've always worn it." She fumbled for the chain about her neck, but it eluded her trembling fingers. "It has her name in it 'From Dan to Merridy." Stark's hand darted forward and tore the thing from her shoulders, then he thrust it under the lamp and glared at the inscription, while his fingers shook so that he could barely distinguish the words.

I won't say that this rushing huckleberry hail-storm has not more music for me than the "Anvil Chorus." I wonder how my great trees are coming on this summer. Where are your great trees, Sir? said the divinity-student. Oh, all round about New England. I call all trees mine that I have put my wedding-ring on, and I have as many tree-wives as Brigham Young has human ones.

For, its magic properties depending wholly upon certain engraved characters, which I have gradually obliterated, it is at present unadapted to any other use than that of a wedding-ring, which it would subserve to admiration." "Produce another talisman," commanded the youth.

Shaw can present arguments more effectively than persons, and arguments are more suited to essays than to plays. It is interesting to find him confessing that "young women come to me and ask me whether they ought to consent to marry the man they have decided to live with." Mr. Shaw, of course, urges them "on no account to compromise themselves without the security of an authentic wedding-ring."

Want any wood chopped?" "Rupert did a stack for me." "This is pretty dull for you, isn't it? When does " She interrupted. "At the end of next week, I think." She was somewhat tired of answering the question. That night, as she sat with George, he said, "When we're like this, I wish you'd wear your wedding-ring." "I said I wouldn't." "It couldn't do any harm." "It could to me."

But the latter had only gone as far as the charcoal dealer's when she called her back. "Mamma! Mamma!" She made her return to the shop, and taking her wedding-ring off her finger said: "Here, put this with it. We shall get all the more." When mother Coupeau brought her twenty-five francs, she danced for joy. She would order an extra six bottles of wine, sealed wine to drink with the roast.

"What sort of woman is she?" said Godfrey, feeling the blood rush to his face. "A young woman, but emaciated, with long black hair. Some vagrant quite in rags. She's got a wedding-ring on, however. They must fetch her away to the workhouse to-morrow. Come, come along." "I want to look at her," said Godfrey. "I think I saw such a woman yesterday. I'll overtake you in a minute or two." Mr.

That name belongs alone to the father of my betrothed bride. Dost thou know the house of Verrina? BERTHA. I should think so. And knowest thou his lovely daughter? BERTHA. Her name is Bertha. BOURGOGNINO. Go, quickly! Carry her this ring. Say it shall be our wedding-ring; and tell her the blue crest fights bravely. Now farewell! I must hasten yonder. The danger is not yet over. Scipio!