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One of the boys came to the gate, and told Lord Colambre 'there was no use in going into the church, becaase there was no church there; nor had not been this twelvemonth; becaase there was no curate; and the parson was away always, since the lord was at home that is, was not at home he nor the family.

Then stepping up closer to me, he said, in a lower voice, "I'm Jimmy Riley, that married ould Noonan's daughter; and now that it is all over I may tell you a bit of a secret, which made me so eager to get to the speech of your honour, that I might tell it to your own ear alone no offence to this gentleman, before whom I'd as soon say it as yourself, becaase I see he is all as one as another yourself.

Christy. Did you hear any thing? Oh, I see ye did by your eyes. Now, hark'ee, my good girl: don't mention a sentence to Ferrinafad of my settling the new inn, till the bargain's complate, and money in both pockets you hear. Biddy. I do, sir. But I did not hear afore. Christy. Becaase, she, though she's my daughter, she's crass I'll empty my mind to you, Biddy. Biddy. Christy.

'Twas I wrote it, and the gossoon that threw it to your honour was a cousin of my own that I sent, that nobody, nor yourself even, might not know him: and the way I got the information I never can tell till I die, and then only to the priest, becaase I swore I would not never. But don't go for to think it was by being a rubble any way; no man can, I thank my God, charge me with indifferency.

This is the first; and it manes let the captain into the sacret of your retrait; and how you got out of the windie, and how you comes near to breaking yer neck by a fall becaase of the fut's slipping; and how ye wint down the roof by a rope, the divil a bit fastening it to yer neck, but houlding it in yer hand with sich a grip as if 'twere the fait' of the church itself; and how Nick led ye to the hole out of which ye hot' wint, as if ye had been two cats going t'rough a door!"

Have road-makers higher wages than other men in this part of the country? 'It is, and it is not they have, and they have not plase your honour. 'I don't understand you. 'No, becaase you're an Englishman that is, a Welshman I beg your honour's pardon.

White Connal is a hard man, and takes all to the uttermost farthing the law allows." "Well, even so, I suppose the law does not allow him more than his due," said Ormond. "Oh! begging your pardon, Master Harry," said Moriarty, "that's becaase you are not a lawyer." "And are you?" said Harry. "Only as we all are through the country.

"Plase your honour, we are all her sons-in-law, except myself, who am her lawful son." "Then you are my foster-brother?" "No, plase your honour, it's not me, but my brother, and he's not in it." "Not in it? "No, plase your honour; becaase he's in the forge, up abow." "Abow!" said I; "what does he mean?" "Sure he's the blacksmith, my lard." "And what are you?"

Miss G. I wonder the major didn't have the manners to step in, and spake to the lady first was he an Irishman, he would. Biddy. Then it's my wonder he wouldn't step in to take his dinner first was he an Englishman, he would. But it's lucky for me and for him he didn't, becaase he couldn't, for it won't be ready this three-quarters of an hour only the Scotch broth, which boiled over.

And, after all, if the truth was known, and my Lord Clonbrony should be informed against, and presented, for it's his neglect is the bottom of the nuisance 'I find all the blame is thrown upon this poor Lord Clonbrony, said Lord Colambre. 'Becaase he is absent, said Larry. 'It would not be so was he PRISINT. But your honour was talking to me about the laws.