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Bumble, grasping his cane, 'to keep the parish officers a waiting at your garden-gate, when they come here upon porochial business with the porochial orphans? Are you aweer, Mrs. Mann, that you are, as I may say, a porochial delegate, and a stipendiary? 'I'm sure Mr. Bumble, that I was only a telling one or two of the dear children as is so fond of you, that it was you a coming, replied Mrs.

"Ah?" said Fuller, interrogatively. "I don't count on bein' able to see no furder through a millstone than my neighbors, but I've been aweer o' that for a day or two." "Ruth is motherless," pursued Rachel, a little too intent upon saying things in a predetermined way to take close note of Fuller.

"They air powerful seein' glasses, and I'm aweer some folks read a heap easier with spectacles than without 'em." After a moment's scrutiny of the paper that Balaam had thrust in his hand, Carrington began: "To the Sheriff of the County of Cumberland: Greetings." "He means me," explained Balaam. "He always makes 'em out to the sheriff, but they are returned to me and I serve 'em."

There was a murmur of approval. Scratch Hill remembered the rifles in its hands and took comfort. "The Fayetteville co't air a higher co't than this, Uncle Sammy," explained the squire indulgently. "I'm aweer of that," snapped the patriarch. "I've seen hit's steeple." "Air you finished, Uncle Sammy?" asked the squire deferentially. "I 'low I am.

If he was not aweer, then we in this neighbourhood shall be only too glad to enlighten him. I distinctly assert that a certain individooal we all have in our thoughts has proved himself a traitor to the cause of the people. Comrades will understand me. And that's the question I wish to put. Mr.

The words of the immortal bard, whose county we are in, occur to me as aprerpo, 'There are more things in 'evin and 'erth, 'Oratio, than even the most devoted domestic can sometimes be aweer of."

Benjamin Allen soothingly. 'Have the goodness to keep your observashuns to yourself, Sir, I beg, said Mrs. Raddle, suddenly arresting the rapid torrent of her speech, and addressing the third party with impressive slowness and solemnity. 'I am not aweer, Sir, that you have any right to address your conversation to me. I don't think I let these apartments to you, Sir.

My uncle turned his strange glare, in a sort of scowl of enquiry, upon me. 'Oh! hey! why this is news. You never told me. Where have you met eh, Dudley? 'Never saw her in my days, so far as I'm aweer on, said the young man. 'No! Well, then, Maud, will you enlighten us? said Uncle Silas, coldly. 'I did see that young gentleman before, I faltered. 'Meaning me, ma'am? he asked, coolly.

'Not once since, and he hadn't hardly set his eyes upon her before that for months and months, and I don't think he'd have known her for his own child if he had met her in the streets, or would know her for his own child if he was to meet her in the streets to-morrow, Mrs Richards, as to me, said Spitfire, with a giggle, 'I doubt if he's aweer of my existence.

I had on'y to think as she was found, and it was gone. I doen't know why I do so much as mention of it now, I'm sure. I didn't have it in my mind a minute ago, to say a word about myself; but it come up so nat'ral, that I yielded to it afore I was aweer. 'You are a self-denying soul, said my aunt, 'and will have your reward. Mr.