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"If Peexie will forgeeve me!" cried Mademoiselle, stretching out her arms and clasping Pixie in so tight an embrace that when her little snub nose came again in sight, it bore the pattern of a steel button plainly stamped upon it. "I won't forgeeve myself that I was so 'arsh and cross. It was a poor thanks, cherie, for your kindness to me all these weeks when I have been so warm and comfortable.

And now she'll go away and say I used 'er 'arsh, and overworked 'er, and Lord knows what, don't tell me. Oh, my poor chest!" "I think you may make your mind quite easy," said Lancelot grimly. "I'm sure Mary Ann is perfectly satisfied with your treatment." "But she ain't there, listen! don't you hear her going on?"

Now, I don't want to be 'arsh with you, but I'm going back to bed, and if I 'ave to get up and dress agin you'll wish yourselves dead." He went back to bed agin, and Peter, taking no notice of Ginger Dick, who kept calling 'im a coward, got into bed alongside of Ginger and fell fast asleep.

Now, I don't want to be 'arsh with you, but I'm going back to bed, and if I 'ave to get up and dress agin you'll wish yourselves dead." He went back to bed agin, and Peter, taking no notice of Ginger Dick, who kept calling 'im a coward, got into bed alongside of Ginger and fell fast asleep.

'Do you set a watch upon Miss Wickfield, and make her home no home, because of me? said I. 'Oh! Master Copperfield! Those are very arsh words, he replied. 'Put my meaning into any words you like, said I. 'You know what it is, Uriah, as well as I do. 'Oh no! You must put it into words, he said. 'Oh, really! I couldn't myself.

He did not ask after Kit, but gave his opinion of her gratuitously. According to him, she was unkind to her relations. "Crool 'arsh," he said. A girl, in fact, who made no allowances for a man, and was over-prone to Sauce and the Nasty Snack. We parted the best of friends. "Any time you're on the Cut," he said, gripping my hand with painful fervour, "you look out for Tom Blake, mister.

"Don't be 'arsh, Joe, don't be 'arsh! Cake comes soft t' me pore old teef." "An' mind this again if there should be any jam about, no stickin' ye wicked old fingers into it an' lickin' 'em behind my back." "You lemme an' the jam alone, Joe; it's a free country, ain't it? very well, then!" "Free country be blowed! You mind what I say, you venerable old bag of iniquity, you!"

Howland went to her room, where she fell fast asleep, and Maggie had the drawing-room to herself. She had arranged a sort of extempore bed on the hard sofa, and was about to lie down, when Tildy opened the door. "I say," said Tildy, "ain't he cunnin'?" "What do you mean, Matilda?" said Maggie. "Oh my," said Tildy, "wot a 'arsh word!

And now she'll go away and say I used 'er 'arsh, and overworked 'er, and Lord knows what, don't tell me! Oh, my poor chest!" "I think you may make your mind quite easy," said Lancelot, grimly. "I'm sure Mary Ann is perfectly satisfied with your treatment." "But she ain't there, listen! don't you hear her going on?"