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"If Peexie will forgeeve me!" cried Mademoiselle, stretching out her arms and clasping Pixie in so tight an embrace that when her little snub nose came again in sight, it bore the pattern of a steel button plainly stamped upon it. "I won't forgeeve myself that I was so 'arsh and cross. It was a poor thanks, cherie, for your kindness to me all these weeks when I have been so warm and comfortable.

"Cleverly done, indeed," said Villiers, "that is pinking off the pill-boxes with a vengeance an Indian rifle could not do better." "It is by breeking the heeds of her coontrymen, A suppoose, he hopes to gain the feevor of his meestriss," drawled out Cranstoun. "A do na theenk she is joost the one to forgeeve that."

With one hand he rolled the cigarette; while wetting the flap with his garrulous tongue, he gazed out upon the San Gregorio as one who looks beyond a lifted veil. He answered his own question. "Well, señor and you, señora! I tell you. Por nada forgeeve; please, I speak the Spanish for notheeng, those boy he poke weeth hee's thumb the rib of me."

"Cleverly done, indeed," said Villiers, "that is pinking off the pill-boxes with a vengeance an Indian rifle could not do better." "It is by breeking the heeds of her coontrymen, A suppoose, he hopes to gain the feevor of his meestriss," drawled out Cranstoun. "A do na theenk she is joost the one to forgeeve that."

They made her sit in the armchair while they circled around her, singing: "Old friends are the best friends, The friends that are tried and true." Then they made her dress up in her finest kimono and sit cross-legged at the foot of the bed while one by one they filed before her and each made an humble apology. "Oh, it is too much," Otoyo cried. "I implore you forgeeve me.