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"It's a comfort to know that you are the big boss, Stuart. North can't knock you out of that when it comes to a show-down." "I don't know," said Ford, whose night ride had made him pessimistic. "I am Mr. Colbrith's appointee, you know not an elected officer. And what Mr. Colbrith has done, he may be induced to undo.

Pennant, you may remove your bag to the ward room, and the third stateroom on the starboard side, counting from the forward one, is yours for the present," continued Christy. "But I have no uniform, Captain Passford," suggested the appointee.

The emperor had, however, a semblance of right to place the scepter in the hands of whom he would during his lifetime. But, upon the death of the emperor, would his appointee still hold his power, or would the crown at that moment be considered as falling from his brow? It was the 7th of August, 1556, when the emperor abdicated the throne of the empire in behalf of his brother Ferdinand.

The parson gathered that the Senior Warden felt slighted that he had not been asked by the Bishop to name his appointee; and that if he had bethought himself to sprinkle a little hay-seed on his clothing, his reception might have been more cordial.

It enables the popular will the will of which the executive is the exponent, the will of which it is the appointee to carry out within the Constitution desires and conceptions which one branch of the Constitution dislikes and resists.

Lincoln would not have appointed him during this term. It was during Mr. Lincoln's first term that Mr. Stanton received his appointment, and not this term; and an appointment by a President during one term, by the operation of this law, will not extend the appointee during another term because that same party may happen to be re-elected to the Presidency. Mr.

Since he had been awarded the contract for beeves at the Fort, by Department orders the old receiving agent had been transferred. The new appointee was a brother-in-law of McRobert and the owner of the Flying V Y did not want to leave any loophole for rejection of the steers. With the clean blood of sturdy youth in him Clanton recovered rapidly from the shoulder wound.

Rome had no truer friend; and he made his loss instantly felt. Delivering his vestments to Ishmael, the new appointee, he walked from the courts of the Temple into the councils of the Separatists, and became the head of a new combination, Bethusian and Sethian.

In appointing ministers to this post the most diligent care has always been exercised, for the appointee must be of the most eloquent, the most learned and efficient in the gift of the assembly. So St. Stephen's audiences have listened to some of the world's best orators, and have had the word expounded by superior doctors of divinity.

Canada gives the Governor-General fifty thousand dollars a year and some perquisites an emolument that can barely sustain the style of living expected and exacted from the appointee, who must maintain a small viceregal court.