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It is well understood that in the first or second year of the Presidency of General Washington information was given to him relating to certain combinations with the agents of a foreign government for the dismemberment of the Union, which combinations had taken place before the establishment of the present Federal Government.

Some frankly turned toward the Republican party, while others organized the National Democratic party and adopted a traditional Democratic platform, with a gold plank. After considering the possibility of nominating President Cleveland for a third term, the party chose John M. Palmer for the presidency and Simon B. Buckner for the vice-presidency.

Upon entering the presidency of Yale he at once began a series of sermons, which he delivered Sunday mornings, and which were so arranged that in each four years the course was complete. These lectures were his "Theology Explained and Defended," first published in 1818.

In January, James Buchanan, who was then minister to England, came to visit Hawthorne, and talked with him about the presidency, for which he considered himself altogether too old; but at the same time he did not suggest the renomination of Franklin Pierce.

"'Not at all, says I. 'It ain't mor'n fifty feet, and that was before he was all wore out runnin' for the Presidency. "'Oh, I see, says Percival. 'Don't think I meant to doubt you. "'I didn't, says I, my conscience biting me again. "There was no help for it, though; he had to have a story of every queer-looking hole, rock, tree, or mud-puddle we saw.

It was, moreover, doubted in the same quarter whether Wilson, as a pacifist candidate for the Presidency, could declare war at that time, when there was as yet no definite provocation as, for example, the Mexico Dispatch.

Go still farther: suppose he wished to conciliate the South in order to get Southern support for the presidency which I grant he wanted, and possibly sought, is he to be unforgiven, and his name to be blasted, and he held up to the rising generation as a fallen man? Does a man fall hopelessly because he stumbles? Is a man to be dethroned because he is not perfect?

Or it was thatHospitalmeeting where she thought certain members were secretly conniving at her removal from the presidency which she had held for so many years. She was always reading minutes at assemblages which Melicent knew nothing about; or introducing distinguished guests to Guild room meetings. Altogether Melicent saw very little of Mrs. Manning. “Johannah, don’t you hear the bell?”

That Church is described as "having the presidency in the country of the region of the Romans, being worthy of God, worthy of honour, worthy of felicitation, worthy of praise, worthy of success, worthy in purity, and having the presidency of love, filled with the grace of God, without wavering, and filtered clear from every foreign stain." "The Epistle to the Romans," says Dr.

"Having been very nearly assassinated because of Elizabeth's abilities in telephone conversation, I should think he might very well be interested in knowing what is going to happen to her. However " "Yes," and Mr. Piper's face became very sober. He looked at his glass as if he would be willing to resign the Presidency of the Commercial in its favor if it would only explain to Oliver for him.