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"I should be an American Scot if I married him. He tells me they are noted for their daring." While they were thus animatedly conversing, word came that Mr. McTavish had called in the hope of seeing Miss MacNish. "There," said Miss McTavish, "you see! Go down to him, Traquair, and be pleasant, until I come. Then vanish."

"And yet," declared young Harcourt, "if there still survives, anywhere in the world, a vestige of Romance, this should be her refuge; her last stand against the encroachments of the commonplace." He spoke animatedly, with the double eagerness of a boy and an artist, sweeping one hand outward in an argumentative gesture.

You must!" He began to pour out the tremendous and daring scheme. He talked animatedly, these long pent up enthusiasms. She attended, rapt and gleaming-eyed, following him with most delicious "Yes yes" and with little nods; and he suddenly became aware of how poignant to him was the sympathy of her interest, and stopped.

Animatedly had Caroline conversed with her parents on the pleasures of the evening during their drive; but when she reached her own room, when Martyn had left her, and she was alone, she was not quite sure if a few faint whisperings of self-reproach did not in a degree alloy the retrospection of this her first glimpse of the gay world; but quickly perhaps too quickly they were banished.

"By the way, Callender," I said animatedly, striking down the page that had recalled her with my finger, "What has become of your little blue-stocking friend? Don't you know her book was just out when I sailed, 'On Mount Latmos, 'On Latmos Top, what was it?" A dark flush burnt its way up to the black, straight hair.

But here they come!" he shouted animatedly, as the bell signaled for the cage to rise, and presently the wheels began to revolve, as the cage ascended. "May the tow break, an' land the dirty scums in hell," prayed one man. "Ay, an' may the coals they howkit the day roast them forever," added another.

She noticed the men and boys who strolled with apparent aimlessness towards the thicket on the edge of the field, and returned wiping their lips on their sleeves. And she saw Katrina talking animatedly to Baron von Rittenheim, who sat beside her, while Patton McRae watched her with adoring eyes, and Tom wore the conscious smile that indicates the young husband's pride of possession.

The two friends were busily engaged in unpacking, setting up and loading their weapons, chatting animatedly together meanwhile, and pausing from time to time to gaze contemplatively into the velvet darkness which represented the forest-clad nearer bank of the river before them, when suddenly Dick caught sight of what looked like two small greenish-yellow lamps close together that had suddenly revealed themselves in the blackness.

He seems utterly indifferent to the fact of my presence and leans beside Miss Rogers at the ship's rail talking contentedly. "H'm!" I muse, "music hath charms! At all events he must not be allowed to suppose that I notice, much less care for, his defection," and I turn to talk animatedly with Captain Ball about Mazatlan.

As Willy helped them out, Charlotte appeared and came animatedly down the path between the borders of crepe myrtle. Alexina ran ahead to meet her. The girl's hands were quite cold. Mrs.