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This Goth was a Pennsylvania Dutchman, and as Elmer's own ancestors were from Allentown, he thought he'd like to take up the language, so he'd borrowed from his guest a book called "The Sorrows of Werther." Of all the rubbish that was ever wrote, them "Sorrows" were the poorest.

Waitstill waived this point as too impossible for discussion. "When and where were you married, Patty?" she asked. "In Allentown, New Hampshire, last Monday, the day you and father went to Saco. Ellen went with us. You needn't suppose it was much fun for me!

H. Beck, Die Erbauungslit. der evang. Kirche Deutschlands, 1883. On the fourteen Defenders see articles in Wetzer und Welte and the Catholic Encyclopaedia, and especially the article Nothelfer, by Zöckler, in PRE3, where also see further literature. A. T. W. Steinhaeuser Allentown, PA.

Anderson's absence in pursuit of Morgan-son, Peter was traveling rapidly through Canada. He returned the day following Gen. Anderson's from his capture of the raiders. "The people everywhere seemed to be greatly rejoiced at the General's success. He received a great ovation from the citizens of Allentown, and they cheered whenever he made his appearance.

David lived some five miles from Allentown, on a farm, and Harvey had been staying at his house, helping do the farm work. They were both very much excited. Their mother, who had left. Mary Anderson in the parlor, came out to enjoy the fresh air with us, and observing the excited condition of her two sons, exclaimed: "'Why, my dear boys! what is the matter?

Bent consented, saying that the Circle had been exceedingly active; that an agent had been there from Canada and had required them to make a selection of agents of their Circle to be ready to do some particular work, which would be explained at the proper time. He also gave us the names of two men, one of whom resided in Allentown.

The first of these was in 1777, when it was taken to Allentown for safety, and the second in 1885, when it was exhibited at New Orleans. This bell, which sounded the death-blow to tyranny and oppression, was first rung to call together the Assembly, which immediately resolved to insist upon certain rights which had been denied the colonists by the British Crown.

Very soon the General and his family got ready to leave Allentown for Jackson, Miss. When the time came for them to leave, the sorrow with us all was very great. Mary Anderson and Seraine wept, and held to one another, instinctively fearing that this separation was forever. The two children, little Mary and Jennie, shrieked and screamed, and begged not to be separated. The scene was heartrending.

And Patty raised her head defiantly. "Father can unmarry us, that's why we acted in this miserable, secret, underhanded way. Somehow, though I haven't seen Mark since we went to Allentown, I am braver than I was last week, for now I've got somebody to take my part.

"Wintergreen escaped. The distress of Henry's wife, as well as my own grief, I will not undertake to describe. We conveyed his body to Allentown and there laid him to rest with his mother and brothers. Gen. Anderson, learning of our affliction, met us at our old home. Seraine and I remained with our little family at Allentown, I getting back my house.