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Now Sharrkan tare through rank and row and raged among the masses of the foe, fighting so fierce a fight as to make children grey grow; nor did he cease tourneying among the infidel horde and working havoc among them with the keen edged sword, shouting "Allaho Akbar!"

As a general rule Somali women prefer flirtations with strangers, following the well-known Arabian proverb, 'The new comer filleth the eye." Burton was thoroughly at home in Zeila "with the melodious chant of the muezzin" and the loudly intoned "Amin" and "Allaho Akbar" daily ringing in his ear.

Then he and Gharib fell upon the enemy, flying through the air on their winged horses, and the true believing Jinn followed them, shouting "Allaho Akbar God is Most Great!" till plains and hills, valleys and mountains re-worded the cry.

Replied Zau al-Makan, "This plan is not good; we should do better to make our way to our army and speak not a word; for if we cry out 'Allaho Akbar, they will wake and fall on us and not one of us will escape." Rejoined Sharrkan, "By Allah, though they should awake tis no matter, and I long that ye fall in with my plan, for naught save good can come of it!"

So he crave at him as the driving of a ravening lion, and smiting him with his sword, clove him in twain and waited till his captains came up, when he told them what had passed and said to them. "Take each of you five thousand men and disperse round about the Wady, whilst I and the Banu Amir fall upon the enemy's van, shouting, Allaho Akbar God is Most Great!

So they agreed thereon and clomb the mountain and shouted, "Allaho Akbar!" And hills and trees and rocks reworded their Allaho Akbar for fear of the Almighty. But when the Kafirs heard this slogan they cried out to one another, And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. When it was the One Hundredth Night,

Presently, lo and behold! up came the army of Al-Yaman, like a flock of sheep, filling plain and steep, and Jamrkan and the Banu Amir fell upon them, shouting, "Allaho Akbar!" till all heard it, Moslems and Miscreants.

At this moment came up the two Marids Kaylajan and Kurajan and, seeing the Moslem beleaguered waited till nightfall, when they fell upon the miscreants and plied them with sharp swords of the swords of the Jinn, each twelve cubits long, if a man smote therewith a rock, verily he would cleave it in sunder. They charged the Idolaters, shouting, "Allaho Akbar! God is Most Great!

"To do our enemies justice," he continues, "they showed no sign of flinching; they swarmed towards the poop like angry hornets, and encouraged each other with cries of 'Allaho Akbar! But we had a vantage ground about four feet above them, and their short daggers could do nothing against our terrible quarter staves. Presently a thought struck me.

"What is it?" asked they and he answered, "I desire that ye all climb to the mountain top and cry out with one voice, 'Allaho Akbar! and ye add, 'The army of Al Islam is upon you!