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Hopi mythology teems with legends of this god and his deeds in killing monsters and aiding the people in many ways. He is reputed to have been one of twins, children of the Sun and a maid by parthenogenetic conception. His adventures are told with many variants and he reappears with many aliases.

There's that old buffer you found on the lawn," and he pointed without pretence of reverence at the big black body with the yellow head. "We've found out who he is, anyhow." "Indeed!" cried the astonished doctor, "and who is he?" "His name was Arnold Becker," said the under-detective, "though he went by many aliases.

Preston, Mr. Pyecroft. Perhaps you have a few other aliases." "I have had yes. My real name is Eliot Endicott Bradford. That name has the advantage of never having appeared in any complaint or police report. For that matter, I may add that under none of my names have I ever been arrested. Eliot Bradford is a man against whom no legal fault can be found."

I never saw him before that, to my recollection." "What do you know about this man, Officer 4434?" asked the captain. Clemm fumbled with his handcuffs, looking down in a sheepish way to avoid the malevolent looks of Trubus. "He is known as John Clemm, although we have found a police record of him under a dozen different aliases.

But to come to the point, what know you of this pirate, this Durward, as he calls himself; though I have no doubt he has sailed under so many aliases that he may have forgotten his real name." "I know him to be a villain," replied Gascoyne. "That much I know as well as you," said Montague.

Other names are High-holder, Wake-up, Walk-up, Yellowhammer, and Pigeon Woodpecker. The people of Cape Hatteras know it as Wilkrissen, and in some parts of Florida it is the Yucker-bird. Naturalists call it Colaptes auratus, but name it as you may, this bird of many aliases is well worthy of the esteem in which it is held.

From under a succession of aliases he uncovered Gorman's real name. But a sequence of events delayed his fuller assumption of the rôle of Jawbert. He was sent to Rio de Janeiro to bring back an absconder of note. Six months he worked on the famous Gonzales child-stealing mystery. He made two trips out to the Pacific Coast in connection with the Chappy Morgan wire-tapping cases.

Gallegher had as high a regard for a string of aliases after a name as others have for a double line of K.C.B.'s and C.S.L.'s, and a man who had offended but once was not worthy of his consideration. "And you will work in those bloodhounds again, too, I suppose," he said, gloomily.

Exactly how much of the truth Seth knew he was not sure, but he took the risk. "Very well then Atkins," he said contemptuously. "I am not used to aliases not having dealt with persons finding it necessary to employ them and I forget. But before this disagreeable interview is ended I wish you to understand thoroughly why I am here.

Solomon indulged in many aliases, being known by the names of Goldsched, Slowman, as well as by other noms de guerre; and he was altogether of a different cast from King, being avaricious, distrustful, and difficult to deal with.