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When the persecuted Catholic could not invest his capital in the purchase of property, the generous Protestant came forward, purchased the property in his own name, became the bona fide proprietor, and then transferred its use and advantages to his Catholic friend. And again, under what roof did the hunted Catholic priest first take refuge from those bloodhounds of persecution?

"I reckon, Sally," he said, "I couldn't live withouten you, neither." The party of men who had started at morning from Jesse Purvy's store had spent a hard day. The roads followed creek-beds, crossing and recrossing waterways in a fashion that gave the bloodhounds a hundred baffling difficulties. Often, their noses lost the trail, which had at first been so surely taken.

Ah, you begin to pale and shrink, and well you may " "You lie!" he shrieked, convincing me I had made a home thrust. "Softly, softly, have a care, lest you call the Marshal's bloodhounds down upon us. The dispatches with the purple seals, which you brought with such care from Biloxi, have been taken from Yvard, and are now in safe keeping for the King.

A moan from Estelle stung her, and she leaned forward the better to catch the music of the mob's distant shriek. Silence for full five minutes; then a sound like that which bursts from the throats of the bloodhounds as they bury their fangs in their quarry. She gave a faint scream, covered her face. "Oh, spare him! Spare him!" she cried.

The idea of hunting people with bloodhounds seemed utterly foreign to his English nature, and he could not understand how his English friend could entertain such a thought; he probably forgot that a few generations earlier the hunting of all kinds of men, papists, dissenters, covenanters and rebels, with dogs, had been a favourite English sport. "Really, Mr.

"Take breath for a moment," said one of his conductors, "and then away with us through thick and thin, before the bloodhounds rally." "Captain Nicholas, shall we give them another round?" said a voice which struck Bertram as one which he had somewhere heard before.

He was surrounded by the old Count d'Estaing, and about a dozen other persons of distinction, of different sexes, who had, from their connection with the United States, been his most intimate acquaintances at Paris, and who had taken refuge with him for protection from the bloodhounds which, in the forms of men and women, were prowling in the streets at the time.

"Bekaise the people, now knowin' that they're abroad, keep watch-dogs, bloodhounds, and sich useful animals, that give the alarm at night, and the robbers wishin', you see, to get them out of the way, do be temptin' me about wishin' me to pison them." "Of course you resist them?" But what's any Chr'sthen 'idout the grace o' God? May we all have it! Amin, acheernah!"

The bloodhounds of the law heard this warning with indifference, for they expected succour of some sort, though they hardly knew of what sort, from the man-of-war's boat which, it was now plain enough, must weather on the ship. After putting their heads together, Mr.

"Alvy," said Jethro, again, "'Uncle Tom's Cabin' comes to town to-morrow." Mr. Hopkins stopped fanning himself, and glanced at Jethro questioningly. "A-Alvy, that give you an idea?" said Jethro, mildly. Mr. Wetherell looked blank: it gave him no idea whatsoever, except of little Eva and the bloodhounds.