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Soon the cabs drove up with the functionaries connected with the administration of the theatre, in black hats and coats, with an official air of sadness; young reporters, the outflow of journalism, staring at everybody and taking notes; dramatic authors, Monday feuilletonists in short, all of those nocturnal beings, tired and worn-out, who are properly called the actives of Paris.

I conceive there is a traditional magic not learned immediately from the Devil, but at second hand from his scholars, who, having once the secret betrayed, are able, and do empirically practice without his advice, they both proceeding upon the principles of nature; where actives aptly conjoined to disposed passives will under any master produce their effects.

Result down dropped the mulatto as if he were a felled ox! "Hooray!" yelled out all the Actives; while there was a groan and a rush from the surrounding compatriots of Mick's opponent to pick up their champion. "Give the bloomin' nigger fits, me boy! You've pretty nearly done for him already." But, the mulatto was not by any means settled yet.

On one occasion when the Marquis de Bouillé pointed out to him the danger of some of his plans as placing the higher class at the mercy of the mob, "dirigé par les deux passions les plus actives du coeur humain, l'intérêt et l'amour propre, ... il me répondit froidement, en levant les yeux au ciel, qu'il fallait bien compter sur les vertus morales des hommes." Mémoires de M. de Bouillé, p. 70; and Madame de Staël admits of her father that he was "se fiant trop, il faut l'avouer,

As we have seen, all were permitted to retain their arms; but the chancellor told Jules Favre he would live to repent having obtained the concession. The friends of order, in spite of the Government's proclamations, could with difficulty be roused to action. There were two parties in Paris, the Passives, and the Actives; and the latter party increased in strength from day to day.

Form a ring, all you Actives!" shouted out Mr Jones the signalman, who had come ashore with us, wishing to see the battle between our representative and the darkey conducted in regular shipshape fashion, in accordance with the rules observed in polite pugilistic circles at home. "Form a ring, my lads, and let 'em fight it out fair.

And yet, I ask for them no such free grant as you gave the slave-owners; I only ask you to lend, for a time, your credit to your starving Irish brethren. Send £13,000,000 to Portugal, £22,000,000 to Spain, to be sealed up in Spanish Actives, and Spanish Passives, and Spanish Deferred and the funds will fall of course.