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A violent tempest arose, tumbling in such a surf upon the shore that he could not land, while he was every moment threatened with being swallowed up in the abysses which were yawning around him. At length, after having encountered much hardship and surmounted many perils, he arrived at the imperial residence of Canonicus.

"Ah, it would it would!" she exclaimed. He was astonished at the passion of her accent; astonished still more at the tone with which she went on, laying her hand on his arm: "Mr. Garnett, he must not be asked he has been asked too often to do things that he hated!" Garnett looked at the girl with a shock of awe. What abysses of knowledge did her purity hide?

This was the voice of the Consistorial President, who was playing piquet with Count Walther Puck, and making himself audible in this manner. The poet read out, in the most dulcet accents at his command "Ah! but once more! once more only Let me hear thee, voice of beauty, Voice of rapture, voice of sweetness, Voice from out the deep abysses, Voice from out the heights of Heaven! Hark! oh, listen "

The poets are mistaken; nature does not die each autumn, she only falls asleep; she is not resuscitated, she awakens. The day when our globe really dies, it will be dead indeed. Then it will roll into space or fall into the abysses of chaos, inert, mute, solitary, without trees, without flowers, without verdure, without poets.

While civilization had been spreading on all sides of them, the people of Israel had remained the worst of barbarians, murdering the men who had from time to time arisen to try and rescue them from the abysses of criminality into which they had fallen, abysses of criminality and superstition, until they had filled their cup of crime by the murder of the One whom the world worships to-day.

Foreign visitors have indeed often noticed with surprise that the American public, in spite of its cleverness and its practical trend and its commercial instinct, is more ready to throw its money into speculative abysses than the people of other lands. What is the reason?

He was almost appalled, apprehending, now and then, the secret abysses of her womanhood, the immensity of her self-devotion, the swing of her nature from quick, sensitive shrinking to almost impious pride. Man is the outcome of the eternal common sense; woman that of some moment of divine folly.

At ten o'clock I fell upon my bed, a dead lump of inert matter. All through the night terror had hold of me. I spent it dreaming of abysses. I was a prey to delirium. I felt myself grasped by the Professor's sinewy hand, dragged along, hurled down, shattered into little bits. I dropped down unfathomable precipices with the accelerating velocity of bodies falling through space.

It is as if new materials were found for a history of the individual life, materials which, like freshly discovered records, sound the deepest meanings of the present and measure the abysses of the past.

Again one little point was taken, for I felt that this was not the culmination of my vision; and now two figures appeared, manifestly human, but their features and dress as yet undistinguishable. Another turn, and I looked upon the face of a glorious man! Another, and the illusion, Space, shrank away beneath my feet, my eye soared over her abysses, and gazed into the eye of an immortal.