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There is something so innocent, so guileless, so complacent, so unearthly serene and self-satisfied about this peerless "hog-wash," that the man must be made of stone who can read it without a dulcet ecstasy creeping along his backbone and quivering in his marrow. There is no need to say that this poem is genuine and in earnest, for its proofs are written all over its face.

And not only so, but they were those that 'were skilful with instruments of music. What were musicians doing there? Did the building rise 'with the sound Of dulcet symphonies and voices sweet?

The earth was covered with its autumn carpet of dry dark leaves, brown and glossy on one side, deep violet on the other, and crinkling and crushing beneath our tread, they kept up a staccato treble to the dulcet sighing of the wind through the yellow leaves still lingering on the trees. A delicious concert of sweet sounds, and one that Mozart and Mendelssohn must have studied well and carefully.

But there is a second tune, hardly less moving, in dulcet group of horns amid shimmering strings and harp, with a light bucolic answer in playful reed. And it has a glowing climax, too, with fiery trumpet, and dashing strings and clashing wood.

"He will ask for it, I haven't a doubt of that. But I'll promise I won't give him fresh cuffs to induce him to do it." "What a country!" cried the prefect once more, as he strode to and fro. "Shall I never get back to France?" "Signor Prefetto," said Colomba in her most dulcet tones, "it is growing very late. Would you do us the honour of breakfasting here?" The prefect could not help laughing.

The trip to Bermuda had been proposed for my sake, Aunt had only half desired it; but now she forgot her fears of winter storms, seasickness and shipwreck, and clutched at the excuse to whisk Milly out of reach of Ned Hynes and out of sight of me. Her tone was dulcet sweet. "We can't blame you for preferring New York, when the Van Dams are so lovely to you," she said complacently.

The Senator looked at him a few seconds keenly, started to make a trivial change in the conversation, then made a flank movement, bent toward Everett and began to speak in a suave and most confidential manner. "I'm sorry, too, you didn't find the oil on the old gentleman's place," he said in his most open and dulcet tones. "I am very fond of Mr. Alloway; I may say of the whole family.

Let it be his to consider," adds Seneca, with the most dulcet flattery, "in what light he may wish my cause to be regarded; either his justice will find, or his mercy will make, it a good cause. He will alike be worthy of my gratitude, whether his ultimate conviction of my innocence be due to his knowledge or to his will." This passage enables us to conjecture how matters stood.

"The sun is single, but her eyes are twain, And of fair things this side of Paradise Fairest, of goodly things most goodly," He paused here and smote a resonant and louder chord. His voice ascended in dulcet supplication. "Rise, And succor the benighted world that cries, The sun is single, but her eyes are twain!" "Eh ? So it is you, is it?" Claire was peeping disdainfully from the window.

And she recalled certain lines of verse he had written to her, for most Italians write verse as easily as they eat maccaroni; and there are countless rhymes to "amor" in the dulcet Dante-tongue, whereas our rough English can only supply for the word "love" some three or four similar sounds, which is perhaps a fortunate thing.