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Maister Charlie he ran into the parlor as I was a clearing away the' tea things, hallowing out as maister was a-killing Ned. Missis she ran in and I heard a scream, then maister he drove off, and a minute or two later Maister Ned he went out, and he ain't come back again. When I went in with the candles I could see missis had been a crying. That's all I know about it."

Gibson, the doctor has been very kind to me all through this illness, I wish my daughter in Combermere would send me some autumn chickens I'd pass 'em on to the doctor, that I would; but she's been a-killing of 'em all, and a-sending of them to me, and the last she sent she wrote me word was the last. 'I wonder if they'll give a party for him! suggested Miss Phoebe.

One broke away and fled down the long room screaming. "You Pony Consadine! Milo! Come here. Pap Himes is a-killing yo' sister." The old man, shaking all through his bulk, stared with fallen jaw. Mandy shrieked and leaped up the few remaining steps to reach Deanie, who was already above the finger-tips of a tall man. "Pap! Shade! Quick! Don't you see she'll be killed!" Mandy screamed in frenzy.

And then she did come out, and before she had been free a fortnight, she began shop-lifting and going on the loose again and all to get money to drink with. So seeing I could do nothing with her and that she was just a-killing of me, I left her, and came up to London, and went into service again, and I did not know what had become of her till you and Mr Ernest here told me.

"I can't say as I've ever slept an hour since it happened," he cried; "and as for my missis, it's a-killing of her. We aint shut up, because we've got to live all the same; and because, if the poor thing come back, there's always an open door. But I'll have justice, if I was to die for it!" cried Elsworthy. "I don't ask no more than justice. If it aint to be had one way, I'll have it another.

I wish all those women who consent to the disposing their children out of the way, as it is called, for decency sake, would consider that 'tis only a contrived method for murder; that is to say, a-killing their children with safety.

"What's etiquette to do with it when a man is a-killing hisself with brandy?" "Fillgrave will forbid that quite as strongly as I can do." "Fillgrave!" said she. "Fiddlesticks! Fillgrave, indeed!" Dr Thorne could almost have embraced her for the strong feeling of thorough confidence on the one side, and thorough distrust on the other, which she contrived to throw into those few words.

"We's got der small-pox, and am a-killing de gemmens " "Pen!" cried a man's voice through the smoke a deep, melodious voice. "What!" exclaimed Aunt Pen, starting up, and then pausing as if she fancied the horrid fumes might have befogged her brain. "Pen!" the voice cried again. "Chauncey! Chauncey Read!" she shrieked. "Where do you come from? Am I dreaming?"

"You thought that I might persuade him to use his influence to have the records searched?" She glanced up hopefully. "That's what I was thinking. Would he do it for your Lordship? I don't know how to set about things myself. It's this this," she almost broke down, "this uncertainty that's a-killing of me. Sister knows about her man, but I "

"Thar's the Injuns themselves, Shawnees, Hurons, Delawares, and all, but partickelarly the Shawnees, for he beats all creation a-killing of Shawnees, that believe in him, and hold him in such eternal dread, that thar's scarce a brute of 'em has come within ten miles of the station h'yar this three y'ar; because as how, he haunts about our woods h'yar in partickelar, and kills 'em wheresomever he catches 'em, especially the Shawnees, as I said afore, against which the creatur' has a most butchering spite; and there's them among the other tribes that call him Shawneewannaween, or the Howl of the Shawnees, because of his keeping them ever a-howling.