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Langford, moreover, seems not to have made a brilliant success of his short stay at Petit-Goave, and was probably distrusted by the authorities both in England and in the West Indies. When Modyford came as governor to Jamaica, the possibility of recovering Tortuga was still discussed, but no effort to effect it was ever made again. MSS., 13,992, f. 499.

By A. Shafto Adair, F.R.S. London: Ridgway, 1847. Haliday Pamphlets, Royal Irish Academy, vol. 1,992. Mr. Adair is a landlord of large possessions in the County Antrim, who exerted himself very much to alleviate the sufferings of the people during the Famine. He was raised to the Peerage in 1873 as Baron Waveney.

Near it are: 984, The Disdainful; 986, Gathering in a Park. 985, Sly-Puss, a charming little picture, is followed by 988, 989, 990 and 992, four other studies. 991 is a carefully finished classical subject, Jupiter and Antiope. Near these are grouped: 470-473, four small works by Lancret, and 690-693, a like number of typical variations of the scène galante by Pater.

The number of home Sunday-schools, 12, and of children in them, 1341; but from the beginning, 32,944. The number of Sunday-schools aided in England and Wales, 25. The amount expended in connection with home schools, 736 pounds 13s. 10d.; from the outset, 109,992 pounds 19s. 10d. The Bibles and parts thereof circulated, 15,411; from the beginning, 1,989,266.

Step by step, Almanzor ascended to a position of such power and authority that the sultana became jealous of his might and lost her love in an attempt to regain her authority. In 992, according to Burke, Almanzor used his seal in place of the royal seal on all official documents. In 993 he assumed the royal cognomen of Mowayed.

But the Vedic hymns prove the existence of a certain sense of oneness in the world, held by the poets, though not by the mass of the people, and destined to issue in a very remarkable religious system. +992+. It has been by a very different line that China has reached its unitary conception of the world. The details of the movement are obscure, but its general course is clear.

Thomson, in The Seasons, Winter, 1. 915, describes how the ocean 'by the boundless frost Is many a fathom to the bottom chain'd. In 1. 992, speaking of a thaw, he says, 'The rivers swell of bonds impatient. See ante March 24, 1776. When he was ill of a fever he wrote to Mrs. Thrale: 'The doctor was with me again to-day, and we both think the fever quite gone.

The excess of expenditures over receipts for the previous year amounted to $6,437,992. The increase of revenues for 1869 over those of 1868 was $2,051,909, and the increase of expenditures was $967,538.

The British army that fought the Battle of Waterloo, in 1815, had an average of 60,992 men, through the campaign of four months, June to September; of these, there was an average of 7,909, or 12.9 per cent., in the hospitals. The British legion that went to Spain in 1836 consisted of 7,000 men.

To 1861 1864 1866 1868 1870 1871 Great Britain 198,954 226,258 96,000 125,540 131,180 143,498 North America, Atlantic Ports 158,610 249,106 280,000 294,728 327,728 285,112 California 6,600 9,426 14,200 15,900 22,500 Europe 901 1,134 200 244 640 Australia 16 5,194 21,244 11,434 6,716 Singapore 2,648 1,932 3,646 1,202 2,992 China 5,531 302 882 2,294