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What has happened?" "Listen!" she commands, and reads by the portico light: Thursday Afternoon, Nov. 30. ESTHER, MY WIFE AND WIDOW: It is absolutely necessary that you should come at once to the drug store formerly kept by Dr. Floddin, at 803 State street. Bring an escort. This step must be taken in your own interest certainly not in the interest of your husband.

The room was large, with a good north window, and scattered about were the numberless objects that go to the confusing make-up of an artist's workshop. At last Miss Linderham threw down her crayon, went to the end of the room where a telephone hung, and rang the bell. "Give me," she said, "100,803." After a few moments of waiting, a voice came. "Is that Spink and Company?" she asked.

This sum represents War debts. But to it must be added the £9,900,000 given by Great Britain for the reconstruction of Belgium and the loans granted by her for relief to an amount of £16,000,000. So, altogether, Great Britain's credit to the Allies on March 31, 1921, was £1,803,600,000, and has since been increased by the interests.

A term, more or less corresponding to mayor, then applied to the ranking municipal officer of a pueblo or town. Eight hundred thousand Mexican dollars, the actual value of which constantly fluctuated. The Ilocanos are one of the eight civilized peoples who collectively make up the Filipinos. They number 803,942, and inhabit certain provinces in northern Luzon.

A traveller from the north, bound to the same goal, can take the train at Moscow, and come down by rail, via Rostov-on-the-Don, all the way to Vladikavkas, a distance of 1,803 versts; and about 200 additional versts, by post, over a good military road, and across the main Caucasian chain, will bring him from Vladikavkas to Tiflis. But we had descended the Volga, and were now near its mouth.

The London Evening Post, March and April . The London Morning Penny Post, August and September . Gentleman's Magazine, pp. 396, 486-88 , pp. 108-17, 152, 188, 195 , pp. 47, 151 , p. 803, pt. Universal Magazine, pp 114-124, 187, 281 . London Magazine, pp. 379, 475, 512 , pp. 127, 180, 189 , p. 89 . Sr *g sc. *These signatures were, doubtless, used with a satirical intention.

The Emperor Charlemagne received in 803 A.D. from Haroun al Raschid, the Caliph of Bagdad, an elephant named Abulabaz. It was brought to Aix-la-Chapelle by Isaac the Jew, and died suddenly in 810. It was supposed by the chronicler to be the first ever brought to England, and indeed the first to be taken beyond Italy, for he did not know of Charlemagne's specimen.

Pluribus agminibus. In several divisions. Accordingly it is added: diviso et ipse, A. himself also, i.e. as well as the Britons, having divided, etc. XXVI. Quod ubi, etc. When this was known, etc. Latin writers, as well as Greek, generally link their sentences, chapters, &c., more closely together, than English. Hence we are often obliged to render their relative by our demonstrative. See Z. 803.

But, while the number of suicides has thus been nearly stationary, population has been anything but stationary in the metropolitan district, but has advanced with vast and unremitting strides at an average rate of nearly 43,000 a year. In 1841 it was 1,948,369; in 1851, 2,361,640; and in 1861, 2,803,989.

As you are well aware, I have duties towards other guests who are not hired, and it is a point of honour with me to earn my money. I wouldn't like a complaint to reach the ears of Spink and Company." Miss Linderham rose and placed her hand within his arm. "Telephone, what number?" she asked. "Telephone 100,803," he answered.