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The country which was rightfully called "our United States" in 1840, by 1920 was "their United States" in every important sense of the word. "Addresses of President Wilson," House Doc. 803. Sixty-fourth Congress, 1st Session , p. 13. Land Ownership and Liberty The owners of American wealth have been molded gradually into a ruling class.

+803+. The Roman female deities are far less developed than the Greek their functions are simple, their mythological interest small. The members of the group representing the productive power of the earth Bona Dea, Dea Dia, Libera, Fauna, Ceres, Proserpina, and others were not worked up by the Romans into great personalities.

During the first year of its operations, ending in May 1800, it had issued 200,000 tracts. What is its present working power? Its annual distribution of tracts, including handbills, from the London Depository is in English, 20,870,074, and in foreign languages, 537,729, making an annual total of 21,407,803. It publishes tracts in 117 different languages.

x The early name of Abingdon. Johnson, the compiler of the famous collection of English canons, is of opinion that Cloveshoo, where the famous provincial council was held A.D. 803, is identical with Abingdon, and that the town lost its ancient name simply owing to the growing notoriety of the famous abbey; for "no one," says he, "can doubt that the name Abingdon was taken from the abbey."

In 1890, however, there were, deducting the 15,526 awaiting trial and serving out fines, 66,803 persons above the age of five years serving sentences.

Peter’s, and reach the left arm of the cross which forms the immense Basilica, and which had been set apart and prepared as a vast chamber for the celebration of the council by that skilful architect, Virginius Vespignani. 1,044 Fathers were invited to be present as members of the council. 803 attended at the opening.

James's situation obliged him to dissemble his resentment of this traitorous attempt, and his natural temper inclined him soon to forgive and forget it. * Melvil. Spotswood, p. 351. * Spotswood, p. 349. Camden, p. 513. Rymer, tom. xv. p. 803.

The Supervising Surgeon-General reports that during the fiscal year 41,714 patients have received relief through the Marine-Hospital Service, of whom 12,803 were treated in hospitals and 28,911 at the dispensaries.

The total number of these temples and shrines throughout the country is amazing. According to government statistics, in 1894 the Buddhist temples numbered 71,831; and the Shinto temples and shrines which have received official registration reached the vast number of 190,803.

* Rush. voL ii. p. 803, etc. Whittocke, p. 25. Rush. vol. ii. p. 416. * Rash. vol. ii p. 197. Rush. vol. ii, p. 45. Lilburne was accused before the star chamber of publishing and dispersing seditious pamphlets. He was ordered to be examined; but refused to take the oath usual in that court that he would answer interrogatories, even though they might lead him to accuse himself.