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The estimated expenditures during the remaining three quarters, to June 30, 1860, are $40,995,558.23, of which sum $2,886,621.34 are estimated for the interest on the public debt.

The one ordained English missionary is now a band of 20,000 men and women sent out by 558 agencies of the Reformed Churches.

v* Nanton's Regalia, chap. 1. v * Camden, p. 558. This account of Camden is difficult or impossible to be reconciled to the state of the customs in the beginning of the subsequent reign, as they appear in the journals of the commons. See Hist. of James, chap. 46.

D'Ewes, p. 557, 558. Henry had received an overture for peace with Philip; but before he would proceed to a negotiation, he gave intelligence of it to his allies, the queen and the states; that, if possible, a general pacification might be made by common agreement.

Ibid. p. 441. Godwin on Population, p. 506. Ibid. p. 553. Ibid. p. 558. Godwin, p. 219. See account of him reprinted from Mackenzie's History of Newcastle and Dictionary of National Biography. Reprinted by Mr. Hyndman in 1822, with a preface. See Dictionary of National Biography. Hall's book was reprinted by J. M. Morgan in the 'Phoenix Library, 1850. Effects of Civilisation , p. 86.

After her marriage in 1882, to William Henry Blatch of Basingstoke, Harriot made her home in England for the next 20 years. Harper, Anthony, II, p. 549. Ibid., pp. 553, 558, 562. Miss Anthony spent a week with her old friends, Ellen and Aaron Sargent in Berlin where Aaron was serving as American Minister to Germany. In Paris she visited Theodore Stanton and his French wife. Lydia Becker, Mrs.

If he was sixteen or seventeen years old at the time of his contract of marriage with Aryenis, he must have been nearly seventy in B.C. 558, when the revolt occurred which terminated both his reign and his kingdom.

During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1866, the receipts were $558,032,620 and the expenditures $520,750,940, leaving an available surplus of $37,281,680. It is estimated that the receipts for the fiscal year ending the 30th June, 1867, will be $475,061.386, and that the expenditures will reach the sum of $316,428,078, leaving in the Treasury a surplus of $158,633,308.

SUFFRAGE, POLITICAL CONDITION, INDUSTRIAL AND PROFESSIONAL STATUS: Women have school and bond suffrage, but cannot vote for State or county superintendents. 38 women in ministry, 7 dentists, 13 journalists, 13 lawyers, 62 doctors, 3 professors, 8 saloon keepers, 1 banker, 8 commercial travellers, etc. West Virginia POPULATION: Male 499,242; female 459,558.

557 The Bowery Prince; or, A Bootblack's Road to Fame. By Howard Austin. 558 Jack Mosby, the Guerilla King; or, Riding and Raiding in the Rebellion. By Gen'l. Jas. A. Gordon. 559 A Lawyer at 17, and the Fee that Made His Fortune. By Richard R. Montgomery. 560 The Houseboat Boys; or, Stirring Adventures in the Northwest. By Allyn Draper.