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During 1954 and the early part of 1955 my friends in Europe tried to keep me up-to-date on all of the better reports, but this soon approached a full-time job. Airline pilots saw them, radar picked them up, and military pilots chased them. The press took sides, and the controversy that had plagued the U.S. since 1947 bloomed forth in all its confusion.

In 1953 and 1954 the Chinese Communists took an active part in the war in Indochina against Viet-Nam. In the fall of 1954 they attacked Quemoy and Matsu, the same two islands they are attacking now. They broke off that attack when, in January 1955, the Congress and I agreed that we should firmly support Free China.

The Guardian sends you his loving greetings.... 23 February 1955 Dear Bahá’í Friends: Please refer to copy of my letter of April 20th to Dr. Giachery, with a copy to you, with regard to specifications for Bahá’í Temples.

In early 1955 the flap began to die down about as rapidly as it had flared up, but it had left its mark many more believers. Even the highly respected British aviation magazine, Aeroplane, had something to say. One of the editors took a long, hard look at the over-all UFO picture and concluded, "Really, old chaps I don't know."

In the year 1955 the suicide rate for the United States of America quadrupled any previous record. There was an enormous increase also in violent crime throughout the world. The thing had come upon an unprepared humanity; it seemed as though human society was to be smashed by its own magnificent gains. For there had been no foresight of these things.

Afro-Americans exploited the situation in order to involve the Federal Government in their desegregation campaign. The Civil Rights Movement On December 1, 1955, an obscure black woman, Mrs. Rosa Parks, was riding home on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. As the bus gradually filled up with passengers, a white man demanded that she give him her seat and that she stand near the rear of the bus. Mrs.

"A pretty place, too," broke in Dick; "a very jolly place, now that the trees have had time to grow again since the great clearing of houses in 1955." Quoth the irrepressible weaver: "Dear neighbour, since you knew the Forest some time ago, could you tell me what truth there is in the rumour that in the nineteenth century the trees were all pollards?"

The sea gull theory was too weak, and we had a new publicity policy as of now don't say anything. This policy, incidentally, is still in effect. The January 7, 1955, issue of the Air Force Information Services Letter said, in essence, people in the Air Force are talking too much about UFO's shut up. The old theory that if you ignore them they'll go away is again being followed.

Only local spiritual assemblies duly constituted during Ridván 1955 will be qualified to elect delegates to these four historic conventions to be convened during the succeeding year. I call upon the Hand of the Cause, Músá Banání, to act as my representative at each of the three Conventions destined to culminate in the emergence of these three momentous institutions.

May the Beloved bless your continued and meritorious efforts and services, and enable you to extend continually the scope of your accomplishments, Your true brother, Shoghi 30 September 1955 20 October 1955 19 October 1955