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So happy I was to see you study that language that I showed your letter to Shoghi Effendi. He thereupon gave me the Íqán and also a booklet containing the Hidden Words, the Seven Valleys and some Odes of Bahá’u’lláh to send to you. Being very busy I did not accompany them with a letter. I sincerely hope you have received them and are trying to read them.

I am eagerly awaiting every news you may wish to send me, for I thirst after the glad tidings of the progress of the Cause in your mighty and promising land. Your fellow-worker, Shoghi 27 November 1924 To my dearly-beloved brothers and sisters in ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. My most precious brothers and sisters in the love of God!

The importance Shoghi Effendi attached to this new stage of administrative evolution becomes clear in the photocopies of such civil instruments that began to become a major feature of the photographic coverage of the expansion of the Faith in successive volumes of The Bahá’í World.

Wishing you success from all my heart, and assuring you of my continued prayers for the steady expansion and consolidation of your work, I am, your brother and fellow-worker, SHOGHI. Haifa, Palestine, October 24th, 1925. Letter of November 6, 1925. To the members of the American National Spiritual Assembly.

Concerning his translation of the Íqán, Shoghi Effendi has finished it, but it needs going over and retyping, and this he cannot as before summer. By the next autumn he believes it will be ready for publication. Shoghi Effendi would therefore advise you to wait until then before you take any decision as to your German translation. Shoghi Effendi much appreciates the service you are rendering.

What else can we do but pray most fervently that the almighty power of Bahá’u’lláh may soon triumph over this petty strife, this age-long tyranny, and make, as He prophesied, of the land of His birth, “the most honored of all governments, the pride, the admiration and the envy of the peoples of the world.” Your true brother, SHOGHI. Haifa, Palestine, October 31, 1926. Letter of November 14, 1926.

I take this opportunity of assuring you once more of his prayers for your welfare, protection and continued guidance, and reciprocating your very kind greetings,... Assuring you in person of my incessant prayers for your protection, guidance and happiness, your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 21 May 1938 Dear Frau Mühlschlegel,

In considering the events of the ministry of Shoghi Effendi, Bahá’ís need to make the effort of imagination to see, through his eyes, the nature of the mission laid on him. It was this vision that, for the thirty-six years of his Guardianship, provided the organizing force of Shoghi Effendi’s work. Its implications were the theme of some of the most important messages he wrote.

May His Spirit ever shine upon, and warm, their hearts. May His precepts ever guide their footsteps, and may His unfailing grace, vouchsafed from the realms on high, be poured forth upon them in such abundance as to enable them to achieve, in the years immediately ahead, total and complete victory. Your true brother, Shoghi 7 July 1956

Theirs is the sublime opportunity so to act as to thoroughly dishearten and confound any schemes which envious, fanatical and embittered adversaries, tottering to their fall, may devise. Share message with National Assemblies. —Shoghi Archbreaker of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant