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"Nebenchari," returned Phanes, "is the son of this very Sonnophre who changed the children." The physician did not raise his eyes; his face was gloomy and sullen. Cambyses took the roll of papyrus out of Onuphis' band, looked at the characters with which it was covered, shook his head, went up to Nebenchari and said: "Look at these characters and tell me if it is your father's writing."

"Nebenchari," returned Phanes, "is the son of this very Sonnophre who changed the children." The physician did not raise his eyes; his face was gloomy and sullen. Cambyses took the roll of papyrus out of Onuphis' band, looked at the characters with which it was covered, shook his head, went up to Nebenchari and said: "Look at these characters and tell me if it is your father's writing."

"Nebenchari," returned Phanes, "is the son of this very Sonnophre who changed the children." The physician did not raise his eyes; his face was gloomy and sullen. Cambyses took the roll of papyrus out of Onuphis' band, looked at the characters with which it was covered, shook his head, went up to Nebenchari and said: "Look at these characters and tell me if it is your father's writing."

Among the papers which your old servant Hib brought with him in a small box, there must be some letters from a certain Sonnophre, a celebrated accoucheur, your own father, which..." In the hieratic medical papyrus in Berlin, women are often spoken of as assisting at such times. In the medical Papyrus Ebers certain portions are devoted to diseases peculiar to women.

Among the papers which your old servant Hib brought with him in a small box, there must be some letters from a certain Sonnophre, a celebrated accoucheur, your own father, which . . ." In the hieratic medical papyrus in Berlin, women are often spoken of as assisting at such times. In the medical Papyrus Ebers certain portions are devoted to diseases peculiar to women.

Among the papers which your old servant Hib brought with him in a small box, there must be some letters from a certain Sonnophre, a celebrated accoucheur, your own father, which . . ." In the hieratic medical papyrus in Berlin, women are often spoken of as assisting at such times. In the medical Papyrus Ebers certain portions are devoted to diseases peculiar to women.