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"Madame de Merville would speak to you, sir!" she said, with more respect than she had hitherto thrown into her manner. Philip paused an instant, and again strode on "It must be some mistake," he said, hurriedly: "I have no right to expect such an honour." He struck across the road, gained the opposite side, and had vanished from Madame de Merville's eyes, before the woman regained the carriage.

"No, I believe that he had still saved, and even augmented, in India, the portion he allotted to himself from Madame de Merville's bequest." "And if he don't play whist, he ought to play it," said Lilburne. "You have roused my curiosity; I hope you will let me make his acquaintance, Monsieur de Liancourt.

"No, I believe that he had still saved, and even augmented, in India, the portion he allotted to himself from Madame de Merville's bequest." "And if he don't play whist, he ought to play it," said Lilburne. "You have roused my curiosity; I hope you will let me make his acquaintance, Monsieur de Liancourt.

"Madame de Merville would speak to you, sir!" she said, with more respect than she had hitherto thrown into her manner. Philip paused an instant, and again strode on "It must be some mistake," he said, hurriedly: "I have no right to expect such an honour." He struck across the road, gained the opposite side, and had vanished from Madame de Merville's eyes, before the woman regained the carriage.