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The celebrated dancer Guimard always took the leading characters in the latter performance; she danced better than she acted; her extreme leanness, and her weak, hoarse voice added to the burlesque in the parodied characters of Ernelinde and Iphigenie. The most magnificent fete ever given to the Queen was one prepared for her by Monsieur, the King's brother, at Brunoy.

The celebrated dancer Guimard always took the leading characters in the latter performance; she danced better than she acted; her extreme leanness, and her weak, hoarse voice added to the burlesque in the parodied characters of Ernelinde and Iphigenie. The most magnificent fete ever given to the Queen was one prepared for her by Monsieur, the King's brother, at Brunoy.

The celebrated dancer Guimard always took the leading characters in the latter performance; she danced better than she acted; her extreme leanness, and her weak, hoarse voice added to the burlesque in the parodied characters of Ernelinde and Iphigenie. The most magnificent fete ever given to the Queen was one prepared for her by Monsieur, the King's brother, at Brunoy.