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If Sir Philip Sidney were here, and if my Lord of Leicester follow not all the sooner, I would use her Majesty's liberty to return home. If her Majesty think me worthy the reputation of a poor, honest, and loyal servant, I have that contents me. For the rest, I wish 'Vivere sine invidia, mollesque inglorius annos Egigere, amicitias et mihi jungere pares."

If Sir Philip Sidney were here, and if my Lord of Leicester follow not all the sooner, I would use her Majesty's liberty to return home. If her Majesty think me worthy the reputation of a poor, honest, and loyal servant, I have that contents me. For the rest, I wish 'Vivere sine invidia, mollesque inglorius annos Egigere, amicitias et mihi jungere pares."

If Sir Philip Sidney were here, and if my Lord of Leicester follow not all the sooner, I would use her Majesty's liberty to return home. If her Majesty think me worthy the reputation of a poor, honest, and loyal servant, I have that contents me. For the rest, I wish 'Vivere sine invidia, mollesque inglorius annos Egigere, amicitias et mihi jungere pares."

If Sir Philip Sidney were here, and if my Lord of Leicester follow not all the sooner, I would use her Majesty's liberty to return home. If her Majesty think me worthy the reputation of a poor, honest, and loyal servant, I have that contents me. For the rest, I wish 'Vivere sine invidia, mollesque inglorius annos Egigere, amicitias et mihi jungere pares."