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Well, one day when the shaft was down about eight foot, the rock got so hard that we had to put in a blast the first blast'n' we'd ever done since Tom Quartz was born. An' then we lit the fuse 'n' clumb out 'n' got off 'bout fifty yards 'n' forgot 'n' left Tom Quartz sound asleep on the gunny-sack.

Well, one day when the shaft was down about eight foot, the rock got so hard that we had to put in a blast the first blast'n' we'd ever done since Tom Quartz was born. An' then we lit the fuse 'n' clumb out 'n' got off 'bout fifty yards 'n' forgot 'n' left Tom Quartz sound asleep on the gunny sack.

He was nearly lightnin' on superintending. "Well, by an' by, up comes this yer quartz excitement. Everybody was into it everybody was pick'n' 'n' blast'n' instead of shovelin' dirt on the hillside everybody was putt'n' down a shaft instead of scrapin' the surface. Noth'n' would do Jim, but we must tackle the ledges, too, 'n' so we did.

Well, one day when the shaft was down about eight foot, the rock got so hard that we had to put in a blast the first blast'n' we'd ever done since Tom Quartz was born. An' then we lit the fuse 'n' clumb out 'n' got off 'bout fifty yards 'n' forgot 'n' left Tom Quartz sound asleep on the gunny sack.

He was nearly lightnin' on superintending. "Well, bye an' bye, up comes this yer quartz excitement. Every body was into it every body was pick'n' 'n' blast'n' instead of shovelin' dirt on the hill side every body was put'n' down a shaft instead of scrapin' the surface. Noth'n' would do Jim, but we must tackle the ledges, too, 'n' so we did.

He was nearly lightnin' on superintending. "Well, bye an' bye, up comes this yer quartz excitement. Every body was into it every body was pick'n' 'n' blast'n' instead of shovelin' dirt on the hill side every body was put'n' down a shaft instead of scrapin' the surface. Noth'n' would do Jim, but we must tackle the ledges, too, 'n' so we did.