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It appeared also, that out of 3170, who had left Liverpool in the slave-ships in the year 1787, only 1428 had returned. And here, while he lamented the loss which the country thus annually sustained in her seamen, he had additionally to lament the barbarous usage which they experienced, and which this trade, by its natural tendency to harden the heart, exclusively produced.

We were still at an elevation of 3170 feet above the sea-level, and in the 283 miles of canyon ahead of us Marble Canyon and the Grand Canyon combined the river descends 2330 feet, almost a continuous series of rapids from this point to the end of the Grand Canyon. After a hasty survey from our vantage point, we returned to the river and prepared to embark.

It appeared also, that out of 3170, who had left Liverpool in the slave-ships in the year 1787, only 1428 had returned. And here, while he lamented the loss which the country thus annually sustained in her seamen, he had additionally to lament the barbarous usage which they experienced, and which this trade, by its natural tendency to harden the heart, exclusively produced.