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A patient who has mitral stenosis and also a small left ventricle will be found to be poorly developed, badly nourished, and to have poor peripheral circulation. As elsewhere stated, the improvised carbon dioxid bath, to stimulate the skin so as to reduce the blood pressure, is not satisfactory. Other methods of reducing blood pressure, when it is too high, are much more effective.

Auricular fibrillation may occur in hearts which are suffering from valvular lesions, especially mitral stenosis, and may occur in syphilitic hearts, in various sclerotic conditions of the heart, and in hyperthyroidism. Though disputed, it seems probable that fibrillation may be caused by the excessive use of tea, coffee and tobacco.

This is especially true of the liver and kidneys. Mitral stenosis, though less common than mitral regurgitation, is a frequent form of disease of the valves, especially in women. Often this condition is associated with regurgitation; but in a simple mitral stenosis the greatest hypertrophy is of necessity in the right ventricle.

Valvular disease at the aortic orifice is much less common than at the mitral orifice, and while stenosis or obstruction is less common from rheumatism or acute inflammatory endocarditis than is insufficiency of this valve, a narrowing or at least the clinical sign of narrowing, denoted by a systolic blow at the base of the heart over the aortic opening, is in arteriosclerosis and old age of frequent occurrence.

Perhaps there is no class of cardiac diseases in which more frequent striking relief can be obtained than in these cases of mitral stenosis. If the congestion of the lungs is very great, and death seems imminent from cardiac paralysis, if cyanosis is serious, and bloody. frothy mucus is being expectorated, venesection and an intramuscular injection of aseptic ergot may be indicated.

An increased abdnominal pressure interferes with her lung capacity, and her lungs are already overcongested. The left ventricle may be small with mitral stenosis, and therefore her general systemic circulation poor. For those two reasons mitral stenosis should absolutely prohibit pregnancy.

As in mitral stenosis, any increase in blood pressure whether the normal increase after the age of 40, any continued earlier high tension, or increase from occupation or exercise is serious as causing the left ventricle to act more strenuously, so that more blood is forced back into the left auricle, the lungs become congested, and the right ventricle, sooner or later, becomes incompetent.

Army surgeons are not altogether unfamiliar with these tricks, but compared with the artful Hindoos the British soldier is a mere child in such matters. Excision of the larynx has found its chief indication in carcinoma, but has been employed in sarcoma, polyps, tuberculosis, enchondroma, stenosis, and necrosis.

There are several sanatoriums in this country where the diet, hydrotherapy and exercise necessary for developing heart strength are carried out, and patients are sent to some of them with great advantage. It has been found that these stimulant baths do not act well in mitral stenosis, if the left ventricle is small.

If we can relax this exaggerated state of nervous tension, if we can help them to become fatter and to put on weight, the dyspepsia will disappear with the other symptoms. It is a question still to be answered whether the rare conditions of pyloric spasm and pyloric hypertrophic stenosis are not further developments of the same disturbance.